What can be the cause of chickens to brake the knee joint? I have 100 birds that have died...
What percentage are these 100 chicks from total? If this percentage is high, check the mineral supply. I guess you have broilers - can it be that they are growing too fast?
Maybe they are jumping from some high racks and the skeleton is not strong enough to tolerate the impact.
If you are sure that there is no physical reasons, check the diet, speak to your neighbors (maybe some of them have experience with this) etc.
Could you please give more details about your problem?
Please check the just in Engormix published aticle:
Interaction between Phytase and Calcium Source, Concentration and Particle Size on Broiler Performance and Skeletal Integrity
Here you can find some Information about the skeletal and leg health.
Best regards and hope you find soon a solution to have a healthy chicks.
We have done aflatoxins tests on the feeds and the results were 8.6ppb bacterial culture had no significant growth. the strange thing was that rapture of the knee. These are layers not broilers strange that is only one leg is affected