18 de mayo de 2017
Christopher Hettiarachchi Sri Lanka
Well written article and results have been presented in an striking manner, particularly Fig. 2. PDCB can be a good alternative to water administered organic acids. Dr. Yakout, thank you for the informative article.
R R Animal Health Care Ltd
18 de mayo de 2017
Very good information on the various positive effect of Butyric acid in the gut. The concept is really good for prevention of NE in poultry. Though Butyric acid has no direct effect on Clostridium but can help indirectly by keeping a healthy gut.
18 de mayo de 2017
Very informative article.
But . What are the different uses in poultry between :
1-the butyric acid and salts of butyric as sodium butyrate?
2-The capsulated butyric acid and non capsulated ?
18 de mayo de 2017
Thank you ... for the long list of actions and effects of sodium butyrate (and not butyric acid which will not have the effectiveness of sodium Butyrate, acid will be unable to arrive in the intestin, the site of action) ... It would be honest also to add that only the form Butyrate Not dissociated arrival in the intestine will be able to this long generic results ... It is all too easy to take advantage of the literature and benefits of Butyrate...when it is added 50% or 70% stearin (antinutritional) !!! Which radically changes its efficiency capabilities...and more on young animals with immature digestive equipment !!!
Under the name Butyrate ... many products do their marketing, but very few products are able to satisfy the major goals of sodium Butyrate and their especially users ... what are screaming in the comparative tests ...
Synergy Biorefineries Pvt
22 de mayo de 2017
There are so many herbals and plants which can counter Antibiotics. Only the thing is they are to be made public and informative.There is separate Aurveda in India in which you can find the data. Our forefathers kept all the information for universal usage without any commercial benefit.
6 de junio de 2017
Thank for the informative article. For greater synergy a combination of different organic acids with varying molecular weights brings best result. Consider combining with salts of formic, proprionic, acetic and or butryric/lactic/citrate acid will create a strong antimicrobial activity while improving the gut health hence performance.