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Yusuf Konca
Full Professor
Poultry nutrition Feed additives enrichment of omega-3 fatty acid in egg yolk with omega-3 rich seeds broiler nutrition heat stress in turkey chicks, broilers and layers vitamin C black cumin meals
Full Professor
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A large number of commercial proteases have chymotrypsin type activity and oriented toward hydrophobic amide bonds. What type activity does your protease have? Would it affect other supplemental enzymes such as amylase or phytase?
Article published the July 26, 2019
I. INTRODUCTIONIn order to improve production, nutritionists endeavor to increase digestibility, availability of nutrients in the diet and to obtain more product consumed per unit feed, and therefore they consider total nutrient intake and retention as well as waste output. Although poultry is highly efficient in converting feed to egg or body gain, the presence of components such as antinutrition ...
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Article published the October 4, 2018
IntroductionSunflower is a well-known silage crop which is grown worldwide including Turkey. Compared to corn silage sunflower silage provides higher dry matter yield with better cold and heat resistance and drought tolerance. It is also easier to get sunflower adapted to wide range of climatic conditions since it possesses higher concentrations of crude protein (CP) and ether extract (EE) content ...
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Article published the September 4, 2018
ABSTRACT This experiment was performed to determine the effects of dietary ascorbic acid (ASA) supplementation on blood components, leukocyte and tonic immobility of male turkeys under summer conditions. A total of 120 one-day-old male turkeys were fed with three different diets. The experimental diets were: control without ASA (ASA-0), 150mg of ASA/kg (ASA-150) and 300mg of ASA/kg (ASA-300) of d ...
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Participation in Forum on June 17, 2018
Dear Miroslav Besermenji we can mention it many aspect, not only temperature
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Yusuf Konca Why consider temperature only?
Participation in Forum on June 12, 2018
Heat stress term has been using when the environmental temperature reached up to 28 C. However, some researchers claimed that the environmental temperature lower than 25 C in night and poultry consume enough feed the effects of heat stress may compensate, in contrast to this daytime and night, high temperature may cause heat stress. Some research results also showed that in the hatchery and early ...
Article published the April 12, 2018
IntroductionSilage is commonly used in animal feeding of the countries with developed livestock industry since the silage has a high nutritive value and moisture content. It is also easy to store and preserve the silage, it has long-lasting life, it is easily digested due to fermentation, the high-quality feed can be preserved for long durations, it allows the rations with high dry matter and mois ...
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Article published the February 22, 2018
IntroductionDue to increases in population, income and living standards, consumers’ demand shifts to higher quality, various, and more poultry meat consumption. The poultry industry is presently studying on alternatives to meet these consumers’ demands. Also, scientists are trying much more efforts to respond to these expectations. On the other hand, they want to make sure this does no ...
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Article published the February 15, 2018
INTRODUCTIONDried distillers grain with solubles (DDGS) is a commercial residual by-product of ethanol industry from grains (corn, wheat, sorghum etc.). Due to high nutrient content (protein 28-30%), it can be used as an alternative feed source especially in poultry and other domestic animals (20, 23, 31). As a feed component, there are some studies focused on the effectiveness of DDGS on broiler ...
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equalizer Statistics: Articles(10)Forums(4)
Location:Kayseri, Kayseri, Turkey
Profile: Academic / scientific
Professional Title: Full Professor
Followers (28)
Following (22)