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Participation in Forum on June 30, 2023
Totally agree with you, Aaron. Pepsin is an endoprotease at hydrophobic amino acid centers, Chymotrypsin is very complementary by acting at the amino the end of resulting chains where the hydrophobes are accentuated. Typically, the hydrophobes are also in the greatest proportion of most proteins while resulting changes act to improve overall compatibility with water to enable all other enzymes to ...
Participation in Forum on April 30, 2020
Mercedes Vazquez-Anon Thank you for the effort of your answer. Having chymotrypsin type activity provides broad based action on proteins by cleaving peptide linkages of hydrophobic amino acids which usually dominate most proteins. Kafirin is good example by having a very large amount of leucine. It nicely clears starch occlusion of all proamines in grain endosperm enabling supplemental amylase to ...
Participation in Forum on March 17, 2020
A large number of commercial proteases have chymotrypsin type activity and oriented toward hydrophobic amide bonds. What type activity does your protease have? Would it affect other supplemental enzymes such as amylase or phytase?
Edwin T Moran likes the comment:
Dr. Cristiano, we congratulate the team involved in preparing the article, considering the information contained therein. I would like to take the opportunity of the material presented, to make some considerations regarding the implications of the practice of reducing crude protein (CP) in diets for pigs and poultry. First; - it became evident that the demand for essential amino acids, such as thr ...
Edwin T Moran likes the comment:
When we formulate swine and poultry diets, we need to consider all proteinogenic amino acids, including those that are synthesized by the animals. Sole consideration of so-called “nutritionally essential amino acids” is not good for optimizing the health or productivity of swine and poultry.
Participation in Forum on February 7, 2020
Generally, a good review, as Dave indicated. Vegetable source proteins have their own “problems” as do animal sources. Bear in mind the “ease” of using one or the other exclusively depends on the animal. Herbivores employ a rumen or cecum with microbes doing the “work” to provide a “balanced” protein. Carnivores have adapted to optimize use of flesh, ...
Participation in Forum on October 24, 2019
Each phytase has an optimum pH with ftu’s conveying its relative activity under that specific condition. Phytases first act during storage in the crop with pH’s varying between 4-6 over varying durations. This ingests is conveyed into gizzard where pH’s decrease to 2-3 again over varying durations. Phytases of different pH optima continue to function through crop and gizzard only ...
Article published the October 26, 2017
Abstract Objective measurements of meat quality attempt to quantify its sensory and nutritional values. Existing techniques broadly employ spectroscopic, chemical and mechanical means in one for form or another. Appearance and flavor defy representation, whereas force of shear reasonably indicates texture. Composition per se can be measured in many ways to either define or infer contents. Procedu ...
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This member gave a presentation on June 21, 2017
At the following event:
Intestinal Health Workshop - NC State University
Participation in Forum on April 12, 2017
Doug-- Like Park my very best to you on a well known professional following. Can't let Park more than get an 80 on me. We share. Everything in the industry has changed which we still both closely follow. Ed Moran
equalizer Statistics: Articles(1)Forums(6)
Location:Auburn, Alabama, United States
Profile: Academic / scientific
Occupation: Animal Nutritionist
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