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(Arabic) Natural alternatives with quick results: Liptocol for control of Escherichia coli & Coccilip for control of coccidia

Published: March 20, 2018
Simo Ibn Majdoub, Export Manager for Liptosa, introduces Liptocol and Coccilip:

Liptocol: effective support in control of Escherichia coli for drinking water, contains essential oils and botanicals, helps to reduce the use of antibiotics, does not generate resistances, reduces mortalility caused by E coli, improves faeces consistency, improves zootechnical performances and no withdrawal period required.

Coccilip: helps to control coccidia and clostridia, contains fatty acids and essential oils, enhances

*Certain information associated with products, their composition and claims may be different depending on the geographical region and may not be applicable in all countries. Liptosa reserves the right to adapt to the requirements and legislation in each case.

The information and technical recommendations provided herein are based on Liptosa's current knowledge and experience.

Liptosa reserves the right to update the information and arguments contained in this platform, as well as to make any changes to this information or recommendation at any time, without prior or subsequent notice.

This audiovisual material contains technical and validated terminology inherent to the time of content generation, editing and publication. Nevertheless, LIPTOSA is committed to scientific and technical progress and continuously updates its content.
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Ewa Sujka
Ahmed Adel
2 de abril de 2018

Would you please give more data about the product?

Simo Ibn Majdoub
Simo Ibn Majdoub
3 de abril de 2018
Ahmed Adel - Coccilip: combination of acid oils as oil of oregano, plant extracts and medium chain fatty acids - Liptocol: based on medium chain faty acids, glycerides of MCFA, botanicals and essential oils
Atef Abou Zead
2 de abril de 2018
The composition
Simo Ibn Majdoub
Simo Ibn Majdoub
3 de abril de 2018
Atef Abou Zead - Coccilip: combination of acid oils as oil of oregano, plant extracts and medium chain fatty acids - Liptocol: based on medium chain faty acids, glycerides of MCFA, botanicals and essential oils
8 de mayo de 2019
Simo Ibn Majdoub which plant extracts, which botanicals and whicj essential oils????????
Atef Abou Zead
2 de abril de 2018

What are the oils found in Coccilip product for the control of coccidiosis?

Simo Ibn Majdoub
Simo Ibn Majdoub
3 de abril de 2018
Atef Abou Zead Basically oil of oregano
Atef Abou Zead
4 de abril de 2018
Mechanism of action of essential oils and MCFA for controlling of coccidia
Simo Ibn Majdoub
Simo Ibn Majdoub
5 de abril de 2018
Atef Abou Zead Essential oils target different stages of the life cycle of Eimeria species, f.e carvacrol destroys spozoites. Phenols alter the cell membrane, increasing its permeability, generating a water imbalance and therefore cell death, due to this mechanism of action NO bacterial resistance to the activity of phenols does occur. The main mechanisms of MCFA are the destabilization of the membrane by its incorporation in the bacterial cell wall, In addition to the direct lithic effects of MCFA, the activation of coccidial autolytic enzymes could also play an important role in the activity against pathogens . MCFA dissociate into protons and anions inside coccidia, lowering the pH. As a result enzymes are inactivated, which leads to the death of coccidia.
Robert Gauthier
12 de abril de 2018

Simo Ibn Majdoub Please do not create confusion, bacteria and protozoa do not respond the same way to EOs. At what dose do coccidia respond to EOs? Usually, the necessary inclusion rate is beyond the workable level in the feeds. At least it is the case with the antibacterial effect of EOs. Always ask for "in vivo" well-conducted trials.

Simo Ibn Majdoub
Simo Ibn Majdoub
12 de abril de 2018
Robert Gauthier In my comment, quoted above, I talked about Coccilip, this product is used to help in the control of coccidiosis, it is not used in the feed but in the drinking water at 700 ml / 1000 L meanwhile Liptocol is another different product that helps in control of colibacilosis, it is used in drinking water also.
Simo Ibn Majdoub
Simo Ibn Majdoub
13 de abril de 2018

Dear Dr Robert Gauthier,

The exact mode of action of EO on bacteria and protozoa remains unknown. It is a complex process, and is under investigation by various research centres all over the world.
What concerns the effect of EO on coccidia, we may talk about direct and indirect activity. It is proven that EO act over coccidian oocysts damaging or deforming its wall what leads to the leakage of oocyst content and its death.
An indirect activity of EO is provided by compounds that help the host to improve the general gut health, modulate the immunological response and in case of some EO prevent of pathogen adhesion to the intestine epithelium.
Another point that should be taken into consideration while working with EO, is the presence of synergies between different compounds, what allows you to provide formulas with a doses workable from technical and economical point of view.

Fell free to contact LIPTOSA team so we may provide you further information about this issue.

Koot van der Walt
12 de abril de 2018
Would aniseed oil be one of the essential oils?
David Pickard
12 de abril de 2018
Don't forget that for use in the EU coccidiostatic/coccidiocidal additives require a zootechnical feed additive authorisation (whatever the active substance) and similar registration requirements may apply in other countries (in some cases such products would be considered veterinary medicines)
Simo Ibn Majdoub
Simo Ibn Majdoub
16 de abril de 2018
Dear David, Dear All. It is correct that In the EU any feed additive (not only with anti-coccidian properties) requires authorisation. In most of the cases, the additive is a single substance, for example Origanum vulgare extract. However, when you combine different feed additives and all of them had been previously authorised, there is no need to authorise this blend once again. The combination of feed additives and/or raw materials is considered premixture or complementary feed. In case you precise any detailed information about our product, its classification under the scope of EU legislation frame work, do not hesitate to contact LIPTOSA team.
Societe Nabhana
20 de julio de 2018
Dear Dr Simo are there any comparative study? , we want to try them in Tunisia .
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