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Carlos López Tomé
Carlos López Tomé
Madrid, Madrid, Spain

METHPLUS replacer of DL-Methionine for poultry

METHPLUS® - Replacer of DL-Methionine

METHPLUS® is a combination of plants and algae extracts mainly of European origin with high content of sulfur and with biological activities analogue to the Methionine. METHPLUS® in the diet acts as an adjuvant of the Methionine, increasing the bioavailability of the aminoacid. METHPLUS® may replace up to 1,5kg of synthetic DL-Methionine reducing the cost of the feed.

Product´s development was supported by European Union funds and 3 years long investigation program in collaboration with The Centre for Industrial Technological Development (2010 -2013, CDTI).

METHPLUS® speciality manufactured by LIPTOSA following the standards of European quality, meeting the norms of traceability and ensuring a uniform result in terms of composition and on farm results.

METHPLUS® contains precursors and intermediate products of Methionine and folic acid.

METHPLUS® is an effective and profitable replacer of DL-Methionine in all feeds used in livestock production (pig, poultry, ruminants, aquaculture, petfood) increasing the bioavailability of the Methionine from the raw materials included in the diet.