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Antibiotic Resistance in APEC- Dr. Badrul Hassan

Published: September 1, 2011
Dr. Badrul Hassan, DVM and PhD student at Uppsala University, Sweden, presents his poster about antibiotic resistance in avian pathogenic Escherichia coli from large and small scale poultry farms in Bangadlesh, at the XVII WVPA Congress in Cancún, Mexico.
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Badrul Hasan
Maqsood Jaffery
6 de octubre de 2011
Thanks Badrul Hassan, Video and research topic is important and need of the time really. In devolping countrues like in south east Asia where antiboitics are used at large, there is need for highlighting the disadvantages of using antibiotics. It will develop more emphasis on biosecurity, use of alternatives to antibiotic and other solutions being implemented in developed countries by poultry industry. It will help both poultry industry in achieving better performance (will reduce cost of production) and in control of dissemination/ excretion of antibiotic resistant pathogens to the environment where it also effects the human health also. Dr. Maqsood Haider Jaffery
Aftab anwar
17 de junio de 2018

Maqsood Jaffery
How to control secondary colibacillosis after IB, Became more of an issue than the IB itself. I am Badly Suffering due to secondary infection this 4th broiler flock hit by IB .IB is cure but secondary colibacillosis make my bird crazier, specially suffering due to e-coli. Fatty LIVER and kidney disorder, bird reduce the feed intake Please advise me how to treat boiler bird.
Aftab Anwar

Maqsood Jaffery
18 de junio de 2018

Thanks Dear,
It seems to be complex situation. I need answer to some questions.
1:- Did you confirm IB through PCR or in later stage (14 days after disease) through serology? It may be H9, ND or any other. Now for ND test of differentiation for vaccine & field strain is available in Pakistan.
2:- is your water free of E. Coli? E. Coli can be controlled through water sanitiser like chlorination, organic acids effective combination but take care while giving live vaccines, Best management practices & ventilation management.
Even for E. Coli some economical antibiotic can be used for recommended duration.
3:- Main issue seems to be in poor disinfection after flock sale/ before placement of new chicks.


phanindra nath saha
18 de junio de 2018

I do agree with the comments of Dr Jaffery. As your birds suffered a lot because of E. Coli, So, take hygienic/biosecurity measures to prevent E. Coli infection. Treatment is not the permanent solution. For the time being, you can choose an antibiotic after sensitivity test. Then apply.

But, after harvesting, biosecurity- proper cleaning. disinfection and house rest are very essential.

Bleaching powder is the best and cheapest source of chlorination. Chlorine content in drinking water in closed System(Nipple) should be 1.5 ppm and for open drinking 3 ppm. I am sure if followed, you would get rid of it.

Aftab anwar
18 de junio de 2018
I will be Glad if you help me in this regard, Currently in Pakistan 90% off Broiler Farmer are badly suffering Infectious Bronchitis. Repeatedly Every Year in wheat harvesting season we are facing this problem duration is ‘’March April May and June’’ Most of Farmer is doing Live and even that Killed Vaccine to protect Broiler Bird but nothing work Secondary Infection after IB, Became more of an issue than the IB itself Kidney damage, Fatty Liver, Fever, uro-genital tract , E Coli , Reducing Feed Intake, Although morbidity is very high, Nothing to do with Bio-Security, People are Throwing dead Bird on the Passage everywhere. Environment is highly contaminated with IB Virus I invest all my saving in Farming no Suffering, due to these problem Poor Result of antibiotic [only wastage of Money] No Result, we did Lab Culture also No- Antibiotic are Responding Regards Aftab Anwar raoaftab@gmail.com 923036668272 Pakistan
Syed Abdul Basit
19 de junio de 2018
Aftab anwar where is your lab and how many discs you've
Muhammad Asad Farooq
19 de junio de 2018
Pls send us your contact details
Aftab anwar
19 de junio de 2018
Aftab Anwar 923036668272 raoaftab@gmail.com
kaswabuli Steven
19 de junio de 2018
Yes Dr thanks a lot we need the experience for better results
Maqsood Jaffery
20 de junio de 2018
Thanks Aftab Anwar for giving detailed picture. Answer is little bit bitter but reality for reaching solution. 1:- Without Biosecurity, proper management it is very difficult to do profitable farming. 2:- As you mentioned wheat harvesting season problem- it further deterioates the environment. It is manageable by presence at farm for proper operation of cooling pads so that dust is filtered in pad. Many farmers apply cloth mesh outside pads for filteration of wheat harvesting straws, dust & particles. It helps in prevention of respiratory system diseases. It is responsibility of Farm owner to properly clean, disinfect & make all necessary repairs/ installations before placing the flock. Then trained work force (supervisor + labour) should be engaged for working & implementation of all work/ vaccines. Above all owner is supposed to supervise himself vaccine, feed & medicines (only good quality) purchase, transportation & application under the guidance of a compitant Doctor ( carefully select so that he is followed for better results). 3:- if there is problem as you mentioned like IB or any other, it must be confirmed through lab tests like serology, PCR etc so that appropriate solution is made. It will also help in making strategy for disease control of future flocks. Without lab confirmation one can not be sure of cause so medication will not give better results. Water & feed sources must be infection/ pathogen free. Last but not the least is ANTIBIOTICS DOES NOT WORK AGAINST VIRAL DISEASE so blind medication is wastage of money rather harmful for bird. Control of Disease requires implementation of all requirements in discipline.
Kazeem Bello
25 de junio de 2018
Dear Anwar, Thanks for the detailed information. It appears the farmers in the area have to be taken through the knowledge of Bio-security. If issue is IB, the use of antibiotics will not solve the problem per se. Farmers need good grabs on IB vaccination, hygiene, quality water management and more importantly, Bio-security. You may check a publication by Fierson, 2011 or do a mail to pierson@vt.edu to help on list of Bio-security assessment. The template was equally used by Bello et al.2013 on Bio-security of Commercial Poultry Farms in Ogun State, Nigeria. Best wishes
Klaus Sall
3 de julio de 2018

Dear Aftab Anwar
Thanks for sharing - I hope you will endure!
In our work with poultry in Denmark and Russia, we have found that problems relating to the respiratory system are best regarded as secondary infections. We have found that when we reduce the ammonia level in the air, whereby we reduce the chemical inflammation of the mucosa in the respiratory system, many sicknesses "disappear" from the herd.
So, we think your primary focus should be on the quality of the manure. If it is pretty dry you know that the chickens have an OK digestion. When its wet you know three things: their digestion is not OK, the bacteria will have a feast in the wet droppings, and in that process, they will release high levels of ammonia from degraded amino acids.
Therefore, your main focus should be on getting the digestion of the poultry right. There are basically three ways to achieve this, one is to reduce the protein level, the second way is to introduce feed which favour bifidobacteria (fiber and prebiotic feed) and the third way is to introduce a tannin-containing feed additive as these are good at controlling Clostridia and other amino acid degrading bacteria.
We use successfully an extract from Sweet Chestnut to control unwanted microbial amino acid degradation - either as a stand-alone or as a combined solution.
Best wishes, Klaus

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