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#Swine gut health
This member gave a presentation on January 27, 2025
At the following event:
IPPE - International Production & Processing Expo 2025
Article published the March 22, 2024
Introduction: Spray dried plasma (SDP) is a specialty protein source used in pig diets due to its beneficial effects on post-weaning performance and survival. Processing of SDP produces a safe product; however, further evaluation of redundant safety steps may be investigated. The objectives were to determine the effect of commercially produced ultraviolet light (UV) treated liquid porcine plasma c ...
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Article published the September 16, 2021
BackgroundSpray-dried plasma (SDP) is one of additives in swine diets [1–3] and contains high protein with balanced contents of amino acids and various physiological components, such as immunoglobulins, peptides, glycoproteins, and others [4], that contribute to modulation of microbial populations [5, 6], immune responses and inflammation [4, 7, 8], and intestinal morphology [8, 9], and othe ...
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Article published the July 13, 2021
The 2021 global demand for pork is high, favoring better pig prices for producers. Feed ingredient prices have also dramatically increased and may tighten profitability margins for pig producers. When both feed ingredient costs and pork prices are high, better FCR and better pig growth are especially important for the producer's bottom line. It is well known that a healthy pig is a more p ...
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Article published the March 4, 2021
WHAT OUR PRESENTERS DISCUSSED: Dr. Steve PollmannBenchmarkingSow mortalitySeasonal effects on sow productivityParity effects on farrowing rate & litter sizeSow farm impact on wean-to-finishing results Dr. Joe CrenshawResults of adding plasma in transition sow feedReduced stillborn pigsImproved oxidative statusIncreased subsequent litter size of young sows 
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Article published the February 2, 2021
IntroductionThere is an increasing global regulatory movement to ensure the judicious use of antibiotics at farms producing milk, meat, eggs, fish, and seafood to reduce the prevalence of antibiotic-resistant pathogens that affect human health. The result of these regulatory changes will reduce the length of time antibiotics can be used, may eliminate the use of antibiotics at farms that are also ...
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Article published the December 1, 2020
It is well known that heat stress or disease stress during gestation and lactation reduces sow herd productivity and profitability. Lactating sows need a high feed intake to maintain their body condition and to support milk production. When sows don’t eat enough feed, especially during stressful episodes can harm both sow and litter production. One possible solution to this problem ...
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Article published the November 24, 2020
 Plasma is comprised of a complex mixture of functional proteins that have a profound, positive impact on animals.Consumed orally, functional proteins help the immune system to respond more quickly and efficiently. This helps animals to use their energy for productive functions instead of using it to fight the stressor.Plasma functional proteins help to minimize the effects of stressors and g ...
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Joe Crenshaw likes this technical article:
A newly published open access review article [1] discusses the epidemiological conclusions made about how porcine epidemic diarrhea virus (PEDV) may have been introduced to the first confirmed PEDV case farm in Ontario, Canada on January 22, 2014. The authors noted that an epidemiological investigation [2] had concluded that “The weight of evidence gathered during an outbreak of porcine epid ...
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Stimulation of feed intake is a key factor in managing the health of weaned piglets. More sophisticated animal protein products have become available, with a range of functionalities to support growth of healthy piglets. Protein is the most expensive nutrient in diets for weaned piglets. Type and quality of protein sources have shown to influence the performance and health status of weaned piglet ...
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Location:Ankeny, Iowa, United States
Profile: Businessman / entrepreneur / shareholders
Occupation: Senior Director of Technical Services
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