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Dr.Thirumeignanam, D.,
PhD in Animal Nutrition
Assistant Professor, Animal Nutritionist - Livestock and Poultry
PhD in Animal Nutrition
Participation in Forum on May 12, 2016
Sir, good approach-Tannin - natural protectant of protein degradation in rumen/ reducing methane production Please send your research article related with your product. Regards Dr.D.Thirumeignanam Animal Nutritionist Tamilnadu, India
Participation in Forum on June 6, 2012
Dear Dr.K Kedar Thank you for article. We can also apply antifungal ---propionic acid based products to prevent the fungal growth in straw/wet fodder. We can also recommend mycotoxin binder in affected straw/feed to prevent the absorption of toxins to the animal body. Thanks and regards Dr.Thirumeignanam
Participation in Forum on May 25, 2012
Dear Dr. V.S.Narsapur, Yes In India, CHROMflex C avialble in market with appropriate dose composition. It is product of Kemin Industries. Thanks and regards Dr.Thirumeignanam
Participation in Forum on May 3, 2012
Dear Dr.Narsapur, Very informative article On heat stress managment in poultry. Nicely explained effect of heat stress & its prevention. Regarding Nutritional managment Chromium also has effect on reducing the cortisol (Stress hormone) level there by reducing stress and improving the glucose utilization. Organic Chromium -such as Chromium propionate with Vitamin C has synergistic effect on re ...
Participation in Forum on April 26, 2012
Dear Dr.Richard, Thank you your valuble article on Salmonella contamination in poultry by products specially egg. Forum participants also rightly pointed out that prevention from feed sanitation/hygiene apart from vaccination. Inclusion of feed additves such Salmonella growth inhibitors (e.g SalCURB) is neccessary for controlling the salmonella in feed and its raw materials (fish meal , bone an ...
Participation in Forum on February 28, 2012
 interesting article about Decreasing Somatic Cell Count in Dairy Cattle "Prevention Through Nutrition   A balanced ration with proper amounts of minerals and vitamins improves the ability of a dairy cattle to ward off bacterial challenges. Recent research does show selenium and vitamin E are related to healthy tissue in the mammary gland."    ----Minerals and vitamins ...
Article published the February 28, 2012
Heat stress occurs in animals when there is problem in thermoregulation i.e., imbalance between heat production within the body (gain) and its dissipation from the body (loss). Increased ambient temperature may lead to enhanced heat gain as compared to heat loss from the body and cause heat stress in animals. India is a true land of diversity in every aspect from culture, food, dress to weather. S ...
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forum 3
Participation in Forum on February 14, 2012
Dear Brishketu Kumar , In industry scale, Is it possible for culturing anarobic rumen bacteria for using as probiotics? Regards Thirumeignanam
Participation in Forum on February 3, 2012
Thank you for article. Rumen degradation of mycotoxins is decreased in current animal production system. It depends on passage rate, type of diet which influences the rumen environment. Usually , high producing animal having high dry matter intake especially concentrate, it favours high passage rate and less degradation of toxin in rumen, . Moreover, the rumen microflora activity also reduced by ...
Participation in Forum on February 1, 2012
Dear Mr Magadi, Thank you for your valuble information. I also agree with Jaime Alcañiz that If we are adding calcium salt of fatty acid @ morthan 3 or 5% of diet , It reduce the dry matter intake . As rightly you have said that hydrogenated fat have low digestibility in post rumen also. Kindly provide more information on Dry fat, if you have. Thanks and regards
equalizer Statistics: Articles(1)Forums(18)
Location:Salem, Tamil Nadu [Madras] , India
Profile: Academic / scientific
Professional Title: PhD in Animal Nutrition
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