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Saleem Khan
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KEY POINTSBirds ‘reproductive cycle is controlled by changes in day length called as Photoperiod.Birds perceive this photoperiod in two ways:a) Through retinal of the eye to visual cortex and pituitary glandb) Through harderian gland (UVA specific light) which triggers reproductive systemBirds are not “stimulated” by the entire period of light, but rather by two important parts o ...
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Dr. Mário Penz (Cargill) discusses the consequences of not managing water properly and the different factors to consider regarding its quality, during this Engormix interview.
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Bouayad If cocci breakage persists, first check to see if the vaccine is viable. If it is, make sure the chick density is right to increase the humidity of the litter. I like about 40 chicks per m2 for the first 7-9 days. This can vary depending on the humidity of the litter. If the second cycle occurs correctly, you will have a decent number of oocysts per gram of feces and a good immune res ...
Participation in Forum on February 15, 2021
Paulo Martins Thank you dear.
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Saleem Khan For layer breeders I do not recommend using any MG vaccines but biosecurity programs.For commercial laying hens I recommend the use of a live vaccine during the rearing period between 5 to 7 weeks of age, always before field infection. There are colleagues who add an inactivated MG vaccine before it goes into production.
Participation in Forum on February 1, 2021
Hi Chris, Not any recommendations of antibiotics by company after vaccines. However they recommend before live vaccine.
Participation in Forum on January 28, 2021
Hi Morro & MartinsIn layer breeder how many shots of inactivated MG and at which age you recommend with one live F strain vaccine?Regards.
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Manuel Da Costa (Zoetis) explained the advantages of a live vaccine for Salmonella in cases of poor gut health, during IPPE 2020 in Atlanta, USA.
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Very interesting the interrelation between necrotic enteritis, paratyphoidal salmonella and immunization with ST. Have these experiments been published?
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Location:Islamabad, Islamabad, Pakistan
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Professional Title: Veterinary Doctor
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