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Dr. Rajendra Prasad Vemana
Advanced Bio-Agro Tech Ltd (ABTL) is a nutrition and enzyme technology company offering pioneering products and technical services to the global animal feed industry. ABTL combines in-depth knowledge of enzyme technology, animal nutrition, with current research and expertise in science to deliver u...
Participation in Forum on October 23, 2023
Congratulations Yuk Sato.
Dr. Rajendra Prasad Vemana likes the comment:
A. IMMUNOTECH FORTE-C acts by modulating immunity, improving gut health through systemic enzyme, and reliving the birds from deleterious effect of free radicals by its antioxidative Vitamins & Bioflavonoids. B. Antioxidant Vitamins C, E and bioflavonoids act synergistically, in scavenging the free radicals, and intensify the antioxidant potential of Vitamin E. C. The systemic enzyme resolves the ...
Dr. Rajendra Prasad Vemana likes the comment:
Nice study and findings. It would be interesting to see if the inorganic P source, MCP here, could be completely removed by higher dose of phytase, especially during the finisher phase.
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Dear Dr. Vermana. Safety margins are a common practice in animal nutrition basically as a way to ensure birds receive 100% of the time (or close to that) the nutrients they need to keep high standards of performance. In that regard, use of phytase (which itself is another source of variability) does not eliminate the use of safety margins. Our job is to try to reduce them as much as we can (precis ...
Dr. Rajendra Prasad Vemana likes this technical article:
In recent years protein feed ingredients are consistently increasing in cost and protein in poultry diets has become one of the most expensive nutrient. Urbanization is putting pressure to produce more and high quality protein sources in less space. Neutralizing substandard quality feed ingredients with effective tools has also become a new concern. In parallel people are more concerned on impact ...
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Ashok shinde 1. Scientific values of CP, ME, amino acids & available phosphorus that can be reduced after inclusion of enzymes in diet formulation is based on various trials conducted in layers, broilers with different raw materials and the values are evaluated after addition of enzymes and without enzymes. 2. The effectiveness of a feed enzyme in the digestive tract of a bird depends on severa ...
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ADPHOS phytate solutions deliver exceptional phosphorus release in combination with outstanding thermostability, reliability and consistency
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How can the Poultry industry in India support sustainable and inclusive economic development? Hear what Mr. O.P. Singh - Managing Director of ABTL Enzymes, has to say about it
Participation in Forum on August 3, 2023
MR O.P.SINGH EXCLUSIVELY PRESENTS ON PARTNERING FOR POULTRY: A PUBLIC-PRIVATE PARTNERSHIP. 1. Public Private Partnerships (PPP) in agriculture and livestock provide opportunities for conducting advanced research, developing new technologies, and deploying new products for the benefit of small-scale, resource-poor farmers and other marginalized social groups in developing countries. 2. It is fasc ...
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Mr O.P.Singh moderated the program very efficiently, he understands the poultry Industry very well, but I am surprised, besides such a large gathering, only 3 persons, Dr Shirolkar, Dr Yogesh n Dr Rajender Prasad, all belonging to ABTL, wrote appropriative comments, the others just kept mum, either they did not understand anything or their ego's stop them from appreciating the facts, or they have ...
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Location:Hyderabad, Andhra Pradesh, India
Profile: Professional