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The following article is a special collaboration from AFMA (Animal Feed Manufacturers Association) thank their kind support.SummaryEnzymes have been used in the feed industry for more than 30 years. Traditional applications have included improving the digestibility and bird performance of ingredients such as barley and wheat. As our understanding of the anti-nutritive factors that ...
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1. Introduction“Feed-food competition” was defined as “the tensions and trade-offs between two alternative uses for edible crops: direct consumption by humans versus feeding livestock” (1). However, feed-food competition includes the use of production resources, such as land, wild fish, and water, and labor, capital, and ecosystem services. The allocation of these resources ...
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By last week, all the vaccines have been completed and the use of acidifiers towards the end of cycle definitely help to improve FCR. As Dr. Rath mentioned, acidifiers, prebiotics and probiotics are becoming more and more popular as alternatives to antibiotics for antibiotic free broiler production.
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It is very important to avoid immuno-suppressive diseases such as IBD as it can lead to other opportunistic bacterial infections ( E.coli & Salmonella) which lead to increase FCR (due slow growth rate). If the broiler operation is large (eg. with 15 close houses), it is always good to invest on ELISA antibody monitoring system such as IDEXX or BioChek. When the operation is large, it is diffic ...
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In recent years protein feed ingredients are consistently increasing in cost and protein in poultry diets has become one of the most expensive nutrient. Urbanization is putting pressure to produce more and high quality protein sources in less space. Neutralizing substandard quality feed ingredients with effective tools has also become a new concern. In parallel people are more concerned on impact ...
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Dr. Piotr Stanislawski shares his experience with Engormix members regarding the use of enzymes in poultry diets and gives his advice on how to do it properly.
Participation in Forum on July 8, 2023
Good luck for your research and gains. Personally I consider the only sustainable solution is to work on genetics of the chicken and to produce more resistant breeds plus Successfull vaccines production against mycoplasma , E coli and influenza .
Participation in Forum on June 27, 2023
Is toxi-free available in Pakistan?
Participation in Forum on May 25, 2023
I want to know that # 1 -what's the effects of antibiotics on probiotics , can we use them simultaneously with feed added antibiotics like furazole or zinc bacitracin. # 2 _ I case of use of other antibiotics like Tylosin, doxycycline , what will be the fatal of probiotics. #3 for how long should we use probiotics in feed Plz must reply in detail. Thanks.
Participation in Forum on May 4, 2023
Aftab anwar Keep spraying Menthol containg products over flock in water containing antiviral like virkon plus keep your birds over amoxicillin, lincomycin and spectinomicin for 5 at least. Hope you will get better results . Thanks
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