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Dr. M.Mazhar Khan
I have 42 years of professional services 5 years in USA, 37 years of services in Pakistan in K&N'S s a largest Poultry integration set up Through out the Pakistan.
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#Poultry vaccines
Participation in Forum on July 23, 2018
I 100% agree with Dr.Ahmed Anjum that during the wheat threshing period, this stat of non pathogenic problem erupted due to not only due to dust particles but along the dust very tiny particle of wheat plant stem are very harmful as the particle penetrate into respiratory system right from the trachea, bronchi even in to the lungs & there is no way to take these particles out. There is li ...
Participation in Forum on June 5, 2018
There is a simple solution of Cocci Vac spray at day one is best solution to protect Broiler breeders.We have complete control of Cocci in broiler breeder through Cocci Vac D in Pakistan. Cocci Vac D is distributed by I.C.I in Pakistan.I do not remember that i have seen any Coccidiosis case during last 10 to 15 years in well manage farms heaving strict Bio security measure as we can not depend 100 ...
Participation in Forum on May 31, 2018
Our company have around 45 farms through out Pakistan having different climatic condition.We have three major thing in mind. Temperature, humidity, & density of birds according to the age.1-Temperature according to age we can maintain through wind speed, Cooling pads thickness,number of pads according to requirement & flute angle of pas 45x45 or 45x15, water flow on cooling pads.2- High Hu ...
Participation in Forum on April 26, 2018
I 100 % agree with Dr. Fiodor Marchenkvo as it is a very valuable comment& information as most of the doctors know about it but most of my colleges don't care about it. I am grateful to Dr.Fiodor Marchenkyo for this information to remind every person its importance. Thanks, Dr. M .Mazhar Khan.
Participation in Forum on March 28, 2018
I have already discussed in above comment for all type of AI.
Participation in Forum on March 28, 2018
Thank You, I think Bio security is first line of defense as once the hit some area they have to maintain very high level of Bio-security round the year.As once you control the disease it does not mean that you are safe for ever.The virus is very dangerous it can survive in old liter,wild birds,pets,because 4'' under the liter it replicate very fast & have a stress of any kind take opportunity to b ...
Dr. M.Mazhar Khan likes the video:
Dianna Bourassa (Auburn University) speaks on prevalence and diversity of serogroups of Salmonella in samples obtained by different methodologies, during the Latin American Poultry Congress 2017 in Guadalajara, Mexico.
Participation in Forum on March 19, 2018
Dr. Husam Bakri is very right as we have also experienced all these problems in Pakistan.We have acted 100% as Dr. Husam Bakri said & save the flock with a comprehensive vaccination program and a very high-level biosecurity whether there is disease or not. Once it enters in your area you have to be prepared to face it anytime, if it is not today, you never know when it will relapse. It is ...
This member gave a presentation on August 7, 2016
At the following event:
2016 AAAP/AVMA Annual Meeting
Participation in Forum on February 9, 2016
I am 100% agreed with Mr. Rommel Manlapig. I also suggest Histo-pathological examination of the liver FLHS. There might be fat toxicity feed should be tested along with Histopatological examination.
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Location:Karachi, Sindh, Pakistan
Profile: Professional
Professional Title: DVM
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