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#Poultry gut health
Video published on December 22, 2023
Claudio Afonso (Base2Bio) shares his insights on next-generation sequencing (NGS) as a key tool for clinical diagnosis of disease agents —as well as veterinary surveillance—, during this Engormix interview.
Participation in Forum on December 11, 2023
Bacteriophages appear to present a highly specific natural solution to modulate bacterial populations in the gastric tract. Of course, Salmonella is of key importance but I imagine that other bacterial species could be targeted shortly. These could even include some respiratory bacteria. I am curious if your company is 1) Exploring additional target bacteria or applications; and 2) Measuring the l ...
Article published the December 11, 2023
1. IntroductionPast reviews describe recent progress and future perspectives on the use of next-generation sequencing (NGS) in veterinary medicine. Key advances in mammalian NGS-based diagnostics include the adoption of different types of sequencing platforms and the development of specific applications of NGS for the different mammalian hosts common for human and veterinary medicine. These advanc ...
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Article published the July 14, 2021
General introduction: Newcastle disease (ND)Poultry farming is one of the most important livestock producing activities in the world because it supplies low-cost animal protein. Nevertheless, since its beginning, the main threat to the industry has been the occurrence of diseases that decrease production. One of the most common and detrimental avian viral diseases affecting poultry production is N ...
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Participation in Forum on April 28, 2021
Excellent summary, Dr. Aziz. Would you be able to expand on what do you think would be the role(s) of NGS, or more specifically, of random metagenomics analysis on avian disease diagnostics?
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Luis Fernando Vergamini Luna. Thank you for the comment. I think in future this might be a reality. Currently, though, our understanding of microbiota dynamics is still poor; and in fact we know that it varies considerably even between individual birds in the same house. We therefore are forced into broad management decisions and strategies, like the ones I presented. MPS
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My suggestion is screening the particular microbiota of each production complex and correlate higher and lower performance with the patterns.Doing it with feaces could help to understand why the microorganisms are there.Feaces is part of our production and we do not go deep in understanding the most inoculation power in the whole system.
Participation in Forum on December 14, 2020
Excellent discussion. I just wanted to mention that today there are massive sequencing technologies to study the entire intestinal flora at a certain time and without the need for cultures. This will allow us to understand the microbiological responses to the action of food and additives.
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Claudio Afonso Thanks for your comment! We used the 16S RNA amplicon sequencing analyses. I've attached the link for the papers related to this research. If you would like to take a look at the overall results.
Participation in Forum on February 28, 2020
We are running 48 samples per Run on an Illumina Myseq. This gives lots of bacterial Ribosomal diversity at a cost of about $100 or less per sample for reagents.
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