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Participation in Forum on August 19, 2023
Thank you Brett for this nice summary. If I may, I have to confirm that proteases, specifically Cibenza DP100 exert benefits in SBM; CibenzaDP100 significantly degraded Trypsin inhibitors and research has been published before. This is, as you referenced in your talk, a very important aspect of how proteases improve the quality of SBM Regards Nasser
Participation in Forum on March 29, 2022
Unfortunately, most people claim they are nutritionists and don't pay attention to basic nutrition concepts such as precision nutrition and optimal growth curve, also known as the magic mountain; Enzymes will work regardless of the formula. A well-trusted source of enzyme is all that is needed. However, if the diet is formulated to optimum or over formulated, and the formulator decides to give the ...
Video published on August 6, 2021
Dr. Amy Lin speaks about the Efficacy Xylanase DFM combination Disease Challenged Floor Raised Broilers.
Article published the August 6, 2021
The approach of supplementing poultry feed with a combination of xylanase and direct-fed-microbials (DFMs), along with other management practices, to improve gut health is gaining increased attention as feed-additive alternatives to replace growth promoting antibiotics (AGP). The objective of this study was to evaluate the efficacy of various combinations of different endo-xylanases and multi-str ...
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Nasser H Odetallah likes the news release:
BRI's Xylamax has profound activity and can lower feed cost and increase the ROI resulting in a much higher profitability compared to other commercial Xylanases. Durham, North Carolina (April 15, 2021) – BioResource International announced the launch of its product Xylamax in Mexico on Wednesday. This product provides up to a 50 percent increase in energy release compared to similar product ...
Participation in Forum on April 14, 2021
@Katia Mohand oussaid Please contact the Novus representative in your country/region and they will provide you with the proper information for the species you are looking for! @Raquel Araujo @Frances Yan
Nasser H Odetallah likes the comment:
Dear Afrouziyeh,Feed ingredient price is hiking in such a way that formulation of poultry feed is difficult. Because sales price does not match production one. If any suggestion in practical standpoint based on Corn -Soy based feed.
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Very interesting presentation and most useful. I would like to make one correction however that we started looking into least cost formulation in the 1960's and early 1970's and not 1990. We even started applying linear programming to least cost formulations as early as 1968 when a computer was the size of a room. Best regards
Participation in Forum on June 12, 2020
Nelson Ruiz Thank you for clarifying this to all of us. Regards
Nasser H Odetallah likes the comment:
Dear Dr. Stringhini et al., in my assessment your data on soybean meal quality are very interesting. Based on our experience, and considering also several reports in the scientific literature, the range of adequacy for KOH protein solubility in soybean meal is in the range of 80-85%. Your data based on the analysis of 283 samples from the commercial reality show that 52.64% of the samples or 189 o ...
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