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Abdul malek likes the comment:
Certainly an interesting discussion, I appreciate everyone's insight. As for the debate around the % CV, I think one of our issues is thinking in absolutes. As Marc mentioned, the "standard" continues to be 10%, which is not to say that facilities shouldn't strive for even better homogeneity as technology improves. However, due to the variable precision of some assays (as Dr. Wicker describes) i ...
Participation in Forum on May 5, 2020
Thanks all for valuable information. Dr. Anjum is right enough and all most important points have been posted.
Abdul malek likes the comment:
Prolapse during production is usually related to poor skeleton development during rearing, even if body weight during production is at target. In future, try to achieve upper limit of target weight from 4 to 8 weeks of age. The following tips may help to reduce losses in this flock. 1. Do not exceed 16 hours light duration (better 15 hours). Also reduce light intensity (maximum 40 lux in open hous ...
Participation in Forum on October 25, 2019
Thanks for sharing probiotics performance in commercial broiler. But my observation is below1. Your experiment flock size was 10 birds in a pen, whereas commercial farmers have more than 1000 in a shed. There resulting higher FCR and uneven sizes birds in a shed when using probiotics.2. In an open shed where humidity and temperature are higher like hot humid country Bangladesh, farmers are not hap ...
Abdul malek likes this technical article:
INTRODUCTIONNow a day, there are limitations on the use of antibiotic because of its resistance development after prolonged consumption. So there is constant search and development for the new other alternatives such as prebiotics, probiotics and phytobiotics1-4. The principal site for digestion, nutrient assimilation and energy harvest is small intestine. These absorbed nutrients are directly con ...
Participation in Forum on August 18, 2019
Dear Dr. Ram Singh Thanks for sharing your findings and it will be helpful. I am interested to your formulated two Toxin Binders, namely, Mycodetox B1 and Mycodetox B2. Would you pls share me the details of these products? Thanking You
Participation in Forum on June 26, 2019
I have faced a problem of prolapse at 20-22 months of age. Egg size is 65-70 gm white birds. Some salmonella infection CP content is almost 17%. Production is 70% and above.Can anyone suggest to me what can I do now to minimize prolapse in layer birds?
This member had joined Engormix
April 13, 2017
equalizer Statistics: Forums(4)
Location:Dhaka, Bangladesh
Profile: Agricultural producer
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