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Article published the December 21, 2022
INTRODUCTIONDietary amino acids (AA) and crude protein (CP) have been demonstrated to affect BW, body composition, organ development, and feathering in broiler breeder pullets (Hudson et al., 2000; Ekmay, 2011; van Emous et al., 2013). Breeder pullets are fed to achieve target BW, and meeting growth objectives during the rearing phase has been related to improvements in reproductive parameters suc ...
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Article published the March 9, 2020
Near infrared reflectance spectroscopy (NIRS) is nowadays a common tool to analyze the nutritional content of feedstuffs. Corn hybrids and drying temperatures could affect the nutritional value of the grain. It is important to determine if these factors are detected by NIR. Two corn hybrids (Dekalb 68-05 and Dekalb 65-20) varying in kernel hardness (average and hard respectively) were dried at thr ...
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Article published the February 11, 2020
Amino acid pullet nutrition affects growth and development and it is important to evaluate potential effects on egg traits. One experiment was conducted to determine the effects of four amino acid (AA) dietary levels fed to broiler breeder pullets during the rearing phase from 5 to 24wk of age on egg characteristics. A total of 1,360 Cobb-500 slow-feathering pullets were placed in 16 floor pens (8 ...
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forum 5
Article published the January 7, 2020
Heavy broilers with high breast meat yield are more susceptible to heat stress. Under high relative humidity, indoor air velocity (AV) becomes critical to offer optimal environmental conditions for growth and health. Four experiments were conducted under southeastern summer conditions to evaluate the effects of AV treatments (High vs. Low) on live performance, cut-up yields, meat quality and welfa ...
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Article published the December 16, 2019
Adequate pullet nutrition is essential to obtain the BW and development suitable for reproduction. An experiment was conducted to determine the effects of four amino acid (AA) dietary levels fed to broiler breeder pullets during the rearing phase from 5 to 24wk on BW, abdominal fat deposition and development. A total of 1,360 Cobb-500 slow-feathering (SF) pullets were placed in 16 floor pens (85/p ...
remove_red_eye 449
forum 2
This member gave a presentation on February 11, 2019
At the following event:
IPPE - International Production & Processing Expo 2019
This member gave a presentation on February 11, 2019
At the following event:
IPPE - International Production & Processing Expo 2019
equalizer Statistics: Articles(8)
Location:Lima, Perú
Profile: Professional
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