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Dave Albin
VP, Nutrition & Extrusion Technologies
Establishing and improving basic quality management systems for feed and food production; practical nutrition and diet formulation advice for a variety of species
VP, Nutrition & Extrusion Technologies
Participation in Forum on November 8, 2023
@Alvaro Dubois With any formulation change, you first must focus on what the change does to over useful, hopefully ME, energy in the diet, and also, what the change might do to intake. After this is understood, balance everything else, like amino acids, to the useful amount of energy in the formulation.
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Let's have discussions about this interesting topic on amino acids, feedstuff quality, and diet formulation for animals, including poultry and swine. Livestock, poultry, and fish have dynamic requirements for dietary nutrients. Therefore, adequate knowledge about principles of animal nutrition is essential for improving the growth and production performance, feed efficiency, as well as the health ...
Participation in Forum on April 11, 2023
This is a great topic. There are important things going on with NEAA that are not well understood. Part of the challenge is analytical - a typical hydrolysis for AA analysis converts glutamine into glutamate, giving a single value for two important AA.
Article published the October 19, 2022
Back in 2013, in the very first blog I published on the Insta-Pro website, I wrote about how extrusion processing, especially high-shear dry extrusion from Insta-Pro, was a reliable way to produce better ingredients and make it easier for animals to extract more dietary energy for productive purposes. Animals need energy to make meat, milk, and eggs, and especially in today’s highl ...
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Article published the August 31, 2022
We’ve previously discussed high-shear dry extrusion of corn and how this process can be used to form highly-gelatinized starch that is quickly degraded in the rumen. Among other things, dry extruded corn has more available energy for productive purposes.  This means that more of the energy in corn, following dry extrusion, can be used by dairy cows to produce mi ...
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Article published the August 10, 2022
The ExPress® process, using equipment and know-how from Insta-Pro International, is unique; but why does this matter?  First, it does not involve the use of chemicals, like solvents (such as hexane), to extract essentially all the oil from soybeans making it sustainable and a scalable alternative to hexane. Also, it’s a friction-based cooking process that uses high temperature ...
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Article published the July 5, 2022
As part of our continued efforts to fully understand and optimize processing with our equipment, often used to make better versions (like ExPress® soy meal) of commodity ingredients, we completed a feeding study with layers at Virginia Tech. Feeding studies with layers are challenging because of the extended length of observation. Indeed, a typical flock of laying hens matures from the pu ...
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Video published on June 16, 2022
Dave Albin - Vice President, Nutrition & Extrusion Technologies - Insta-Pro International, explains the goal of a feeding study to determine how the use of high-shear dry extrusion with ExPress® soya flour affected the growth of Ross broilers.
Participation in Forum on March 29, 2022
Good comments. It's true that enzymes have to formulated properly and have a matrix to work on. If you are using better ingredients, enzymes may not be necessary anymore. Make sure you know why each ingredient is in your formulation.
Participation in Forum on September 13, 2021
Such an important topic as it relates to efficiency and excretion of nutrients that become pollutants.
equalizer Statistics: Articles(8)Videos(4)Forums(58)
Location:Des Moines, Iowa, Estados Unidos de América
Profile: Professional
Professional Title: VP, Nutrition & Extrusion Technologies
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