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High-shear dry extrusion: Four mechanisms for reduced time to market in Broilers

Published: June 16, 2022
Dave Albin - Vice President, Nutrition & Extrusion Technologies - Insta-Pro International, explains the goal of a feeding study to determine how the use of high-shear dry extrusion with ExPress® soya flour affected the growth of Ross broilers.

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Dave Albin
Insta-Pro International
Sankaran Suresh Sundaram
4 de julio de 2023

Can you.use partially, extruded stabilised rice bran having between 10 to 12 % fat and 18 to 20% protein for broilers, if so. Kindly advise if any further modification will be required.
The free fatty acid will be stabilised at about 3.5%
Do you think that there is a market in the broiler industry as feed
Presently high cost extruded soya which is costly being used.

Eric Samaila
6 de julio de 2022
Yes sir
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