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Feeding Programs for Young Animals - Virtual Seminar

Published: September 10, 2021
Source : https://us06web.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_6A8700b0Rtq7oI7NL6cSeg
Feeding Programs for  Young Animals - Virtual Seminar - Image 1
This virtual seminar will take place via Zoom meetings in four days (20, 27, 29, and 30th of September, 2021), from 16:00 to 18:30 (Spain time). All the conferences will be given in English and there will be simultaneous translation to Spanish. The seminar will be free of charge and the participants are sponsored by USSEC (Project # U21CXWW004-01).
You can register here
FEDNA and USSEC (ANWG) with the collaboration of CESFAC and IACA
Directors of the Seminar
Gerard Santomá Boixeda
Javier García Alonso
Planning of the event
FEDNA (Madrid)
(Javier García and Lewis Aguirre)
Inspectia & Control Services SL
inspectia@inspectia.eu: (+ 34) 649 407 409
(Zoom Assistance)
Session 1, Poultry
September 20th, 2021
16:00 Welcome and opening
Chairman: Gerard Santomá – Trouw Nutrition, Spain
16:05 Impact of feeding strategies and nutrition of the young pullet on subsequent egg production
Xabier Arbe – N&H International, Thailand
16:45 Incubation factors effects on the nutrition of young birds
Edgar Oviedo-Rondón – North Carolina State University, USA
17:25 Prestarter feeds for broilers: importance and potential benefits
Gonzalo G. Mateos and Lourdes Cámara – Universidad Politécnica de Madrid, Spain
18:05 Questions and answers. All speakers and participants
18:30 Adjourn
Session 2, Swine
September 27th, 2021
16:00 Welcome and opening
Chairman: Gerard Santomá – Trouw Nutrition, Spain
16:05 Facilitating the post-weaning transition without antimicrobials
John Pluske – Australasian Pork Research Institute Ltd. (APRIL), Australia
16:45 Management and feeding of primiparous sows from birth to first farrowing
Mike Tokach – Kansas State University, USA
17:25 Macro-mineral nutrition of young pigs: phosphorus, calcium, and electrolytes
Hans H. Stein – University of Illinois, USA
18:05 Questions and answers. All speakers and participants
18:30 Adjourn
Session 3, Ruminants
September 29th, 2021
16:00 Welcome and opening
Chairman: Sergio Calsamiglia – Universidad Autónoma de Barcelona, Spain
16:05 The future of dairy farming: key aspects of management and feeding programs for heifers
Alex Bach – Icrea, Barcelona, Spain
16:45 Recent advances on management and feeding strategies for dairy beef cattle before weaning
Maria Devant and Sonia Marti – IRTA, Tarragona, Spain
17:25 Recent advances in young calves use on quality of colostrum and milk feeding
Sergio Calsamiglia – Universidad Autónoma de Barcelona, Spain
18:05 Questions and answers. All speakers and participants
18:30 Adjourn
Session 4, Ingredients
September 30th, 2021
16:00 Welcome and opening
Chairman: Javier García – Universidad Politécnica de Madrid, Spain
16:05 Soybean products in feeding programs for non-ruminants: energy evaluation and quality control
Guillermo Fondevila and Gonzalo G. Mateos – Universidad Politécnica de Madrid, Spain
16:45 Corn and soybean meal quality: actual standards and trends
Everton Krabbe – Embrapa, Brazil
17:25 Calcium and phosphorus requirements for young broilers
Carrie Walk – DSM, UK
18:05 Questions and answers. All speakers and participants
18:30 Adjourn

Feeding Programs for  Young Animals - Virtual Seminar - Image 2
Feeding Programs for  Young Animals - Virtual Seminar - Image 3
Feeding Programs for  Young Animals - Virtual Seminar - Image 4
Feeding Programs for  Young Animals - Virtual Seminar - Image 5
Related topics:
Mentioned in this news release:
Gonzalo Gonzalez Mateos
Universidad Politécnica de Madrid - UPM
Universidad Politécnica de Madrid - UPM
Guillermo Fondevila
Algoa Pecuaria SL
Lewis Alfonso Aguirre Toribio
Trouw Nutrition
Gerard Santomà
Trouw Nutrition
Xabier Arbe Ugalde
H&N International
Edgar O. Oviedo-Rondón
North Carolina State University - NCSU
North Carolina State University - NCSU
Lourdes Cámara Garcia
Universidad Politécnica de Madrid - UPM
Universidad Politécnica de Madrid - UPM
John Pluske
Murdoch University
Murdoch University
Mike Tokach
Kansas State University
Kansas State University
Sergio Calsamiglia
Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona - UAB
Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona - UAB
Alex Bach
Maria Devant
Everton Krabbe
Carrie Walk
Hans H. Stein
University of Illinois
University of Illinois
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