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acidosis in dairy cattle

Forum: Acidosis in Dairy

Published: July 18, 2011
By: dr.Usman Ghani

Hi, I´m a student of D.V.M 4th year. I want to treat animals who have developed acidosis due to excessive feeding or intake of concentrate(grains). How can I treat small animals particularly goat although I already administered sodium bicarbonate (baking soda) but no effective result achieved. Could anybody recommend an effective treatment of acidosis?

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Dr.shahzad  Naveed Jadoon
8 de agosto de 2012
Try live yeast it would give some relief. proactive apporach avoid dense feed.
Muhammad Imran Haider
20 de septiembre de 2012

I think Dr.Usman is asking about the Acidosis caused by accidental acess of the animal to the grains or grain overfeeding in days near to Eid-ul-Azha.. Now a days many such cases will come.
How can we treat them?

Alfredo J. Escribano
Orffa Excentials
16 de abril de 2015
Dear all, Talking about acidosis, prevention is always better than treatment, as you know. In this sense, let me talk you about RUMALATO, a producto of NOREL Animal Nutrition (www.norel.es) based on sodium-calcium salts of malic acid. https://www.academia.edu/11654102/Improving_dairy_cow_health_and_productivity_with_natural_rumen_enhancers In the following article that I have recently published on International Dairy Topics, you will be able to find the physiological process in which it is based on, and how it works. Moreover, this product also improves feed efficiency and production. Regards, Alfredo.
Roberto Tomas Fenzo
16 de abril de 2015
The are many excelent products but finally the cheapest practice you can do is offer ad libitum a mix of 65-70% sodium bicarbonate 25% magnesium oxide and 5-10% calcium carbonate.
Alfredo J. Escribano
Orffa Excentials
16 de abril de 2015

One of the differential advantages of this product against buffers is that it is not focused on buffering the ruminal liquid, but increasing the uptake of lactic acid by lactic acid utilzers bacteria of the rumen.

As a consequence, more propionic acid is produced, and then, more energy is taken from the ration.

This, along with the increase in the digestibility of the diet that this product provokes, increase feed efficiency at important levels.

Furthermore, it can be used along with the products that Roberto is talking about, since their mode of action and pathway works in parallel.



Cesar E Mena DVM
17 de abril de 2015
Hello, goats are grazers by nature, they should not consume much grain. If grain is consume make sure that it is in small amounts and that fiber in terms of grass,weeds ,hay are available at all times. Also fresh clean water must be available at lib. One thing that I have included in the diet of goats are live yeast & probiotics, that has worked well for us. We use the PRO-VITAL Live yeast with extracts at the rate of 1/4 to .5 oz per head per feeding. We also use this product on our beef heard with great success.
Roberto Tomas Fenzo
17 de abril de 2015
That is true too and there are some live yeast Ph resistant strains and some bacteria that are more usefull than other for this purpose
Ad van Vuuren
Wageningen University & Research
Wageningen University & Research
17 de abril de 2015

Acute ruminal acidosis cannot be prevented or cured with buffers or probiotics! As mentioned by one of the colleagues, acute ruminal acidosis is often the result of (accidental) grain overload. I learned that treating acute ruminal acidosis by oral delivery of buffers is contra-indicated: it may resume the fermentation of not-yet degraded carbohydrates still present in the rumen, thereby increasing lactic acid production. Ending ruminal fermentation by antibiotics is more favourable in those conditions, but this requires the collection of ruminal digesta (from donor animals / at slaughter house) to re-establish a healthy, functional ruminal population. Buffer solutions should be given parenteral.

Subacute ruminal acidosis (SARA) as a result of a low ratio structural:non-structural carbohydrates in the diet can be prevented by buffers or probiotics. However, buffers reduce the palatibilty of the ration and probiotics are relaively expensive. The best way for SARA prevention is to increase the ratio between intact structural carbohydrates (forages) and non-structural carbohydrates (grains). If this leads to a reduction in energy intake, consider to feed more fibre ad lib and withdraw the residues regularly. This will allow the high-producing animals to select the most nutritious parts of the diet. Good luck!

Roberto Tomas Fenzo
17 de abril de 2015
The ruminants have also a limited capacity of daily feed intake in volume and weight and the day has we know 24 hours only so the grain and fats overload is needed to concentrate ration with energy and protein , vits, etc to produce high levels of production . Unfortunely there is not possible to feed infinite quantity of structural carbohidrates to high producin animals (45-50 lts daily ) cows despite is the most natural way for ruminants.
Alfredo J. Escribano
Orffa Excentials
17 de abril de 2015

Taking into account the issues we ar discussing, I really think that increasing the conversion of lactic acid into propionic acid by means of lactic acid utilizers bacteria is key. As probiotics are expensive, malate supplementation is a great solution, since this compound increases the capacity of Selenomonas ruminantium (lactic acid utilizer) to convert lactic acid into propionic acid. When given in forms of salts, their effects are better.

See the attached papers if this topic is of your interest:

1. https://www.academia.edu/11654102/Improving_dairy_cow_health_and_productivity_with_natural_rumen_enhancers

2. Manipulation of Rumen Fermentation with Organic Acids Supplementation in Ruminants Raised in the Tropics (REVIEW).


3. Effect of the addition of malate on in vitro rumen fermentation of cereal grains.


4. Mechanism of Propionate Formation by Selenomonas ruminantium, a Rumen Micro-organism.


5. Effect of dicarboxylic acids and Aspergillus oryzae fermentation extract on lactate uptake by the ruminal bacterium Selenomonas ruminantium.




Mustafa Ayazi
17 de abril de 2015
Products also cofactors such as vitamins B, enzymes and acid to provide ISO that can further stimulate the growth of bacteria in the rumen. Live yeast cells use oxygen and lactate in the rumen and thus help to stimulate the growth of bacteria in the rumen. Buffers such as sodium bicarbonate (Bicarb) or sodium sesquicarbonate (Scarb
Cesar E Mena DVM
17 de abril de 2015

The key to this whole issue is management. With the correct management, most treatments can be avoided.
Correct balance diet with addition of key natural ingredients like live yeast, probiotics, and yeast extracts. Saccharomyces cerevisiae, Aspergillus oryzae, Bacillus subtilis, Lactobacillus acidophilus are good choices. I believe that good management and good nutrition, would control most of the acidosis problems from surfacing. I love to stay away from most chemicals, even though is what the trends call for in today's inefficient and anti-environmentally practice of FACTORY FARMING. "An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure!"

Mustafa Ayazi
18 de abril de 2015

Hello, thanks for your comment
One question: what Peri-biotic for control acidosis?
Thank you very much.

Dr. MD. Ali Asgar Khan
22 de abril de 2015
It is better to grazing goat at forenoon because in that time nutrient of grass found upper position and goat choice that grass. Always clean fresh water provided for goats. It is one of the observation of good health of goat, if goat urination found white color.
Dusan Korinek
22 de abril de 2015

In my experience, ruminal acidosis is always a combination of several factors. Fundamental mistake is nutritional management - lack of structure TMR, or a different length of TMR particle (grain, silage, hay or straw long), or high dry matter TMR where cows can be very easily separated.
The second mistake is the lack of piling-up of fresh TMR. Another factor is the welfare of the animals in their pens - the social struggles, enough space, access to feed, narrow passages in pens, plenty of water, etc.

Antonio Ciribolla
24 de abril de 2015
Coincidentally one of our customers has employed a combination of monoglycerides of medium chain fatty acids, intended for beef cattle, goats on where it took much corn to accelerate the finishing. At a dose of 1-2 grams per day mixed with corn, goats have responded positively after 3 days of dosing. If you want to replicate this test we would be very interested and I would be willing to send you a free sample, in exchange I would like your opinion and trial data (www.agristudio.it info@agristudio.it)
Dusan Korinek
24 de abril de 2015
The use of inactivated yeast improves the current state of the rumen portion of of lactic acid is consumed, but it can not be the solution. The main problem is in the technique krmnení and it is always necessary to make a correction in the technique of feeding - structure TMR, solids content of Forage and grain. When they meet the following basic assumptions, it is not necessary to use other excipients. By feeding dairy cows with a high yield, however, we often narrow range. Particularly when they are concentrates tvroreny dry components (corn, wheat, soybean meal, rapeseed meal), it is almost necessary to use yeast. If it is possible to replace portion of wet corn cereal grain, the situation is much improved and the occurrence of acidosis is significantly reduced.
Sharma Madan Lal
25 de abril de 2015
In severe ruminal acidosis blood pH do alters. Try to give sod. bicarbonate 5% solution upto 300 ml in a day along with yeast and pot. bicarbonate for faster recovery.
Ratan Sukhadeo Jadhav
25 de abril de 2015
Acidosis in cattle or goat is the problem of management of feeding strategy .you can feed 60% dry matter through roughages and 40% concentrate after that if required add soda Bicard.provide sufficient comfort to cows or Buffaloes;reduce heat stress .I think this will work in Indian condition.because Because saliva is alkaline .promote Rumination.Dr.jadhav Ratan KVK Baramati
Ratan Sukhadeo Jadhav
25 de abril de 2015
If the problem in goat and it is due to grains feeding in goats showing toxic symptoms give sodabicatd intravenously 50ml and reapeat if require with Avil and RLA very slow intravenously. This problems exist in goats which are in free range in cities.Dr.jadhav Ratan
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