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how we improve the milk production of local cross fresion cows? how we formulate their feed? ...
In ruminants, live yeast has positive effects: it increases cellulolytic bacteria growth (improves ruminal degradation of dry matter), reduces acidosis incidence by keeping ruminal pH stable and improves the use of feed (starch and cellulose). This improves growing conditions for lambs, increasing nutrient availability in milk. It also improves nitrogen fixation as bacterial protein and essential amino acids by stimulating microbial synthesis. In a trial carried...
Dear All can you please guide me how to formulate ecomincal feed ration for milking cows b using corn silage. Average Wieght of cows 475kg Average lacation Secondl Cross breed ( Holstin+Sahiwal ) Prduction Goal 20 litres regard ...
Introduction Previous studies (Busquet et al., 2005; Calsamiglia et al., 2007) have shown that garlic oil (GO) supplementation to in vitro cultures of ruminal micro-organisms leads to reduced methane production and acetate:propionate ratios, but the effects are related to the dose. Our hypothesis was that GO effects might depend on the rumen microbial populations, and thus on both the incubated substrate and the type of diet fed to donor animals. The aim of this study was...
Laboratorial evaluation was carried out for the effect of biological treatments with Pleurotus ostreatus, Trichodermal reesei and Chaetanium cellulyticum of rice and peas straws and corn stalks, with or without different additives on chemical composition, cell wall constituents (CWC), gross energy and in situ dry and organic matter disappearance. The obtained...
*Animal Production Dept., Fac. of Agric., Al-Mansourah University, Egypt ; ** Animal Production Dept., Fac. of Agric., Zagazig University, Egypt; and ***By-Products Utilization Res. Dept., Animal Production Res. Institute, Agric. Res. Center, Giza, Egypt. ABSTRACT Growth trial was conducted on twenty four Ossimi lambs, averaged 21.75 Kg live body weight and aged three...
Accelerated-growth feeding programs are the newest buzz word in calf rearing. Accelerated programs require a milk replacer containing more crude protein and less fat content than traditional milk replacers. These programs are generally phase-feeding programs that increase the amount of milk replacer as the calf advances in age. In addition, changes in the calf starter are necessary to achieve optimal performance. These programs increase weight gain during the liquid-feeding period and may...
Slow or incomplete digestion of fibrous substrates often limits the overall digestive process in the rumen and can significantly influence animal performance in livestock production systems that use forages as a major component of the diet. As a result, many strategies have been developed to stimulate the digestion of the fibrous components in ruminant feeds. These have included the use of specific nutrients which stimulate fiber digestion, processing feeds to increase the rate and...
A study of the nutritional benefits of goat milk, compared to cow milk, at preventing iron deficiency could prove to be a huge benefit to human health. Research carried out at the Department of Physiology of the University of Granada (UGR) has found goat's milk not only helps prevent against ferropenic anaemia (iron deficiency) but also combats bone demineralisation (softening of the bones). In the UK, cow milk dominates the market, which was estimated to be worth some £2.6bn in...
I want to know about the folliwng about drinking water qulity
1- What type of water qulity required for dairy cattle?
2- can cows can drink sodic and salin water. what would be impact on cattle if they will drink sodic and saline water
3- can sodic and slian water can be treated.
Animal feeding trials are expensive. Animals must be obtained, properly housed and fed, and provided with necessary veterinary care. The cost of live animal research is even greater when large animals such as dairy cows are used. A practical alternative to live beef and dairy animal research is the artificial rumen. Artificial rumen technology has been available for more than 25 years. Early systems placed a bolus of feed into a sealable vessel containing rumen fluid. After 12 hours of...
Introduction Research over the last 30 years has demonstrated that the absorption of amino acids in the form of oligopeptides (principally di- to tri-peptides) constitutes the most quantitatively important form of amino acid uptake from digesta by gut epithelia (Matthews and Adibi, 1976; Steinhardt and Adibi, 1986; Matthews, 1991; Seal and Parker 1991; Webb et al., 1992; Koeln et al., 1993; Gardner, 1994) and physiologically important amounts from glomerular filtrate by...
What aspects should I take into consideration when feeding cattle in high altitude conditions?...