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Calf Fattening Farms

Forum: Economics of Calf Fattening Farms

Published: July 1, 2011
By: Dr Usama Tayyab

Please suggest me the appropriate body weight and age of the calves, which is best suited for fattening purpose. Also tell me the Break Even Point for this business. Dr Usama Tayyab Lahore

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Dr Usama Tayyab
Muraleedharan Nair
5 de julio de 2011

Dear Dr,

Good article about Calves Fattening Farm. There are seperate strategies for veal calf production and fattening for beef production. If you are intending for veal calf you have to take care from day1 itself. If you are for beef production also you have to have the care from day1 and further from 3rd month. Choosing of body weight depends on the breed you are selecting.

Dr.S. Mathan Kumar
5 de julio de 2011
Dear Dr, The best way of your calculations is through the Average daily gain in body weightADG that can be of grams, first strat weighing atleast on ce in a fortnight, and then slowly repeat the protocol as once in a month. that shall be set in as a benchmark to evaluate or reevaluate your protocols, nutrition, care, supplements etc., Best tip is to start as quick as possible the concentarte feed but in a modified form. thanks
Dr. Adel Eid Mohamed
Dr. Adel Eid Mohamed
5 de julio de 2011
Dear, Dr. about the best weight to start beef fattening " from 250 Kg-300 Kg" and you need to formulate ration containing 14% CP and change amount every 2weeks according to live weight. Best wishes
Soliman Gamal
Soliman Gamal
5 de julio de 2011
I think the best weight to start fattening calves is 150-250 Kg at age of from 6-8 monthes
Thowyba Hashem Mohammed Osman
Thowyba Hashem Mohammed Osman
5 de julio de 2011
HI Dr. usama I worked this field , in my personal experience I see that the weight for the beginning of fattening is 100 kg and the age of 6-8 months, because the feed efficiency ratio is increase with age and weight
Dr Usama Tayyab
6 de julio de 2011
Dear,Thowyba Hashem Mohammed It seems more profitable business if we fatten the animal at 100 kg body weight.
M Imran Hussan
8 de julio de 2011
9---13 months age and 60----80kg weight
Dr. Malik Muhammad Ali
Maxim International (Pvt) Ltd.
15 de julio de 2011
Dear Osama!! Keep an eye on rate of calf when you are gonna buy! it would be much more efficient if you buy an animal having a ADG of >1Kg. its when calve is 6-8 month old. so you need to buy calves around 7 months having avg weight of 100 kg. these will pick rapid weight gain if you balance your diet and this will drop when weight reaches 180 Kg and drops further till 280kg. so buy at early get for better FCR. in later stage just add fat on so that you get more rate on live weight
Badr Alfadil
19 de julio de 2011
It is clear that the 6-8 month is suitable age. However, the GIT health is also to be considered to make sure that you are gonna achieve the ADG. Also ration formulation with best cheap available components is important to minimize cost.
Hafiz Muhammad Aatif
21 de julio de 2011
Always try to buy calves between age of 6-8 months because it is the age when maximum growth can be achieved through proper and balanced nutrition
Syed Hasan Raza
Syed Hasan Raza
24 de julio de 2011

Dear all: 

As conultant and expert, I think that to select animals for fattening you should have two things in mind:

1- what are your market targets/demands? Market needs fatty animals or lean meat animals
2- What breeds you have got to work?

The 1st point is self-explanatory. If you are going to export towards East (Korea ets), you will need fatty animal (with fat) as market needs animals with fat for marbling (intra muscular and inter muscular fat). So the feeding plan and selection of animals will become different. But when your market is western countries then you will go for lean meat animals and with different managemental strategies.

2- The weight and age of animals largely depends on breeds of animals like early maturing breeds and late maturing breeds. The selection criteria for the both breeds will be different.
The break even point will depend on your feeding cost, growth rate and economic point of influx.

It is an huge topic and needs lot of information that are difficult to share on net.

Syed Hassan Raza

Ghani Tahir
Ghani Tahir
26 de julio de 2011
I agreed with the recmendation syed hassan raza.we farm animals only for money,we should to be fix on point.Don't do hit and trial
Naeem Malik
Naeem Malik
28 de julio de 2011
Done many trials with sahiwals and cholistani calfs.Did not get wt.gain of one kg.per day. Too much variation in our seasons and our breeds are not for beef. Crossbreds will give you approx. 1kg.per day,that too in winter and spring. I suggest you buy grown up healthy animals and fatten them,you will get better results.Make sure wt.gain per day is [value wise] more than your cost.That is your feasibility.Pls dont listen to our so called experts,you will only loose money.
Muhammad Iqbal Sabir
19 de octubre de 2011

1) Selection of Meat Breed & particular individual animal.
2) Stress free environment play pivotal role
3) Least cost balanced feed formulation (More then 70 % of the total cost of production )
4) Age should be more then 6 months and not more then 1 year (Yes)
5) Body wt at 100kg may give better weight gain(Yes)
6) In Present circumstances we can hardly get 800 gm daily wt gain which is quite less
7) Vaccination & De worming have Vital impact on the wt gain
8) Farming is not only profession, it is passion
9) Effective & efficient market
10) Quality conscious end consumers hunting

• Suppose we select 100 kg animal of more than 6 months @ Rs 250/ kg which will cost 25000
• Duration of fattening is 4 months
• Cost of production is suppose 5000 /month (4x 5000=20000)
• Now total animal vale is (25000+20000=45000)
• Fatten total B.wt will be ( 100+96=196)
• Now animal value will be 49000
• Net incremental value is (49000-45000)=4000 per animal or Rs 1000 per month per animal

M Imran Hussan
25 de octubre de 2011
age 9- 13 month weight 50-75kg
Ali Husnain
19 de enero de 2012
I am agree with the coments and guidance of Muhammad Iqbal Sabir
Khan, Shaukat
19 de enero de 2012
please discuss the success factors in fattening farming, is it feasible to practice mixed I mean dairy & Fattening farming please.
Rama Raju
19 de enero de 2012
can any one guide me what kind of feed should be given for wait gain in Buffaloes for meet production
Raja Mn Khan
18 de octubre de 2012
Buying calves at the cost of Rs 250 per KG seems exorbitant and the end result is less profitability, project not cost effective. Expert must clarify and highlight factual position.
Ahmad Ali Bodla
30 de octubre de 2012
SALAM TO ALL i want to make calves fattering farm in punjab pakistan i know about mix breed and weight about calves can any one answer me about companies who buy calves meat on farm thanks AHMAD ALI BODLA
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