Please suggest me the appropriate body weight and age of the calves, which is best suited for fattening purpose. Also tell me the Break Even Point for this business. Dr Usama Tayyab Lahore
According to my knowledge,there is no company who buy calves meat on farm but there r companies that buy live animals around 150 kg and rate of meat is around 280 /kg in zenith,Tazij, etc near raiwi
I have eight acres of well secured, well cultivated land along with 18,000 sq.ft shed in Sialkot and would like to start a cattle farm for beef production. Need a consultant to do things from A-Z. Javaid M.Sethi
Hello. Lots of valuable advice has been provided here by participants which I really appreciate. My question is can someone guide towards the best channels to sell the beef in Rawalpindi/Islamabad area? I have tried searching for it, but apparently there is no proper forum or platform available online for this specific issue.
Best regards
I am a biggener in this field. I want to start a calf fattening farm in pakistan.
Can somebody help me to know how to start from zero. Please write down the steps from 1 till end what are steps to be taken.
Thanks and best Regards
i am doing all the fattening of animals for meat and i have done the practice of bufflows male calves but cannot gain weight of 1kg perday.from where i can buy the cows calves at reasonable in punjab if some one has information than plz send me email or cotact03455023063
AOA i want to start calf fattening business in Punjab Pakistan can any one help me in that. what precautionary measures i should take and how would you suggest me to start from.
Sheharyar Omer Rao
Is it possible in Pakistan to get / purchase calves from any point inorder to get calves of same age also of specific breed likewise of hatchery setup in poultery
Can we get list of suppliers / manufacturers of Salage & Wanda so that we directly contact and deal to get our required demand.
Is is possible in Pakistan we can sell our grownup / fattened as a batch to an enterprise level, I mean to avoid to take animal to mandi