Immune stimulation in Aquaculture

Published: July 26, 2018
Immune stimulation in aquaculture was a subject on the board when I joined Phileo some years ago. One of my first tasks was to assess the products we had available in the group as immune stimulants in aquaculture species. Immune stimulation in aquaculture is a confused field Not being an immunologist by training, but having some knowledge in the field of immune stimulation in aquaculture, ...
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Enric Gisbert
31 de julio de 2018

Dear Philippe,
I agree with you completely. You provide a good overview of the literature dealing with this topic. Most of these studies deal with the mode of action. It is crucial for assessing their activity and performance, something that in human science or other vet disciplines would not be accepted.

Enric Gisbert.

Mohamed Tag Shehab
31 de julio de 2018
phytogenics are promising. the more accurate distillation of extracts like phenoles, trepanoids and saponins the most stimulation you can get. oregano thyme junipar...are source for CARVACROL. THYMOL, LINALOO, PENIN, CENEOL....
Laurence Hutchinson
Freshwater Solutions- Ecological aquaculture
31 de julio de 2018

I watch for 40 years how well the aquaculture industry manages to generate its own issues without solving the problems. it manages to make money but the problems change as times goes by. It would appear that this changing environment is always chasing its own tail until the next problem arises. The false presumption that all fish species are domesticated because they are kept together and farmed, needs to be much better understood to avoid generating health and stress issues, which in turn generate low performance and health issues. Pro-biotics, antibiotics growth stimulation and immune system protection solutions are a result of lack of understanding.

Christopher Leonard
IMBT - Immune Macro Biotic Technology Ltd
31 de julio de 2018

Immune stimulation should be considered at 2 levels. Firstly, immune stimulation of the targeted animal fish/crustacean or secondly by providing an immune boost through a dietary component. Also what needs to be understood is at what level this immune stimulation occurs. I maintain that the primary aim should be the enhancement of the Innate Immune system components in particular Antimicrobial Peptides (AMPs). I believe that immune stimulation within the diet can have the desired effect. It is very well exemplified by the immune stimulation of insects that produce their evolutionary conserved AMP repertoire, that can enhance immune status against infection in an ingesting recipient. It is a way of engaging and utilising natural, evolved, interactive ecosystems for sustainable aquaculture and food production.

1 de agosto de 2018

Good and informative.

Durojaiye Abiola
9 de agosto de 2018
Couldn't have been stated any better! An insightful piece!
Madhab Bahadur Pantha
24 de abril de 2020

This is an interesting topic and I've gone through your paper. it is sure immune system is very useful so as in higher animals. I am sure this will support not only high production but also improve the health condition of aquaculture species. Only we have to take notice that the chemicals if applied should not develop any side effects in the human health.

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