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Gary J. Burtle
Associate Professor
aquaculture management, aquaculture development, fish nutrition, fish disease diagnostics, fish pond management, aquatic weed control, catfish, Nile tilapia hybrids, sunfish, carps, crustaceans,
Associate Professor
Article published the September 14, 2017
IntroductionCyanobacteria, blue-green algae, harmful algae, and toxic algae are words that can confuse people who are trying to decide on pond water safety. Certain algae can cause serious problems when they become very abundant in drought, hot weather, unusual rainfall patterns, or after nutrient accumulation in pond water. Fortunately, most ponds do not experience toxin problems or dense algal b ...
remove_red_eye 982
forum 1
Participation in Forum on June 27, 2017
I am sorry, Oscar, but I do not understand what you are referring to in this thread. Perhaps I am missing the original comment.
Participation in Forum on June 26, 2017
Leachate from substrates can be high in ammonia. However, other materials, including metals with toxic characteristics, can be in the leachate. You might consider a different feeding rate or weight of substrate per larvae. Dry matter conversion is calculated after the dry matter in the larvae and the substrate are calculated. Dry at 60 to 100 degrees C until a constant weight is achieved. The ...
Participation in Forum on June 2, 2017
Afam, if I read your not correctly you achieved 500 g per 1,000 gram substrate. I assume wet weight, so using feed conversion ratio, that is 2 parts substrate to one part maggot. Comparable to feed conversion for chickens and other relatively efficient animals. What is your dry matter conversion percentage?
Participation in Forum on March 24, 2017
Yes, live BSF have be feed to fish and poultry. Though if published observations exist, I do not know. Logistics of having live larvae to feed is problematic. The larvae moisture content dilutes nutrient concentration. In chicken feeding, one producer used cotton ginning waste and meat processing scraps as a substrate then fed chickens on the combined BSF culture. That method did not allow BS ...
Participation in Forum on December 29, 2016
We have not done as much with defatted BSF as we had hoped due to the difficulty we have had manipulating the products. Grinding or pressing processes provide very gummy material, even after drying. I have not gone to the point of using hydrolysis prior to oil separation but think that may be an approach to production of high quality separations of oil and protein fractions. Chitin separation af ...
Participation in Forum on December 23, 2016
Remember that BSF products have 30+ percent fat on a dry matter basis. When adding 50% to the diet of fish, protein/energy ratio is changed and growth response does also. Please use the published composition or study specific analysis when composing animal diets using BSF. Our discussion of rates of addition to animal diets indicate the obvious conclusion that BSF should not be the only compon ...
Participation in Forum on December 21, 2016
In the US, distillers grains is available as a byproduct of ethanol production. This is a corn byproduct that has a Food and Drug Administration feed ingredient number, required to show standard composition and accepted processing methods. A temporary feed number has been granted by FDA for black soldier fly larvae, if the substrate is a byproduct already defined by a feed ingredient number. The ...
Participation in Forum on December 14, 2016
All good questions. I feel that low value substrates are the best for BSF intended for the animal feed ingredient market. Economics will ultimately determine how much traditional feed ingredients are used to prepare a substrate. Fore example, I am testing a wheat bran plus duckweed substrate. The process must be planned in order to avoid metal accumulation by the duckweed then by the BSF. As y ...
Participation in Forum on November 3, 2016
Project FISH-DIVA,Maggot – Bioconversion Research Program in Indonesia Concept of New Food Resources, Results and Applications, 2005-2011, Final Report' Saurin HEM, November 2011,Centre for Aquaculture Research and Development Research Institute for Ornamental Fish Also: Valorization of Palm Kernel Meal (PKM), a by-product from palm oil agro industry, via Bioconversion: a natural process of parti ...
equalizer Statistics: Articles(3)Forums(62)
Location:Tifton, Georgia, United States
Profile: Academic / scientific
Professional Title: Associate Professor
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