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Afam Anene
Participation in Forum on June 2, 2017
Sorry Gary, I made a mistake. Our maximum production was 167.91g/Kg of susbtrate. The weight is wet weight. can you guide me on the method for calculation of dry matter.
Participation in Forum on May 31, 2017
I have not produced maggots/larvae from BSF but rather from housefly maggots. The problem I have is the quantity of production. In all our trials, we have not exceeded 500g/Kg of substrate.r
Participation in Forum on May 18, 2017
Can somebody show me a picture on the facilities for raising black soldier fly. I have tried to culture house fly larvae on different substrates and on each occasion, a cocktail of flies end up laying eggs that develop into larvae. How do I ensure that all the insects that lay eggs on a substrate are of the same species?
Participation in Forum on April 14, 2017
Very good to develop alternative sources of protein in aquafeeds. Can I have the full paper so as to make a more informed comment?
Afam Anene likes this technical article:
Over the past twenty years, much success has been realized in the efforts to reduce the amount of fish meal in aquafeeeds in favor of other feedstuffs. Demand of fish meal as a principal source of protein has decreased due to many successful achievements, but is poised to increase as attention is being directed to the farming of more carnivorous species. A variety of approaches to achieve total su ...
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December 16, 2013
equalizer Statistics: Forums(4)
Location:Umuahia, Abia, Nigeria
Profile: Academic / scientific
Occupation: Animal Nutritionist
Followers (1)