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Dairy cattle reproductive diseases

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Approximately 40 percent of calves that require partial assistance at birth die immediately or later (those that survive are more likely to develop respiratory and digestive problems later in life). Dystocia is associated with 50% pre-weaned calf mortality, each dairy should implement a dystocia management program and use management practices that limit the occurrence and impact of dystocia. ...
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Dr.Abhishek Jain
Cattle Remedies India Ltd.
Diarrhoea is a multifactorial disease entity that can have serious financial and animal welfare implications in dairy herds. It has been estimated that 75% of early calf mortality in dairy herds is caused by acute diarrhoea in the pre-weaning period Diarrhoea is a common complaint in cattle and young ruminants (particularly in the first few months of life). Many of the pathogens and management practices that cause diarrhoea in...
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According to the severity of twisting, it is decided to apply a rolling method or surgical treatment to correct uterine torsion in time, return to the normal anatomical position and ensure calving smoothly. Conservative treatment "Rolling Maternal Method" to correct uterine twist: lay soft grass on the broad flat ground lay down cows, tie the forelimbs and hind limbs with ropes respectively, leaving about 100 cm of rope head. The cows lie on the same side of the uterus twist and pull the...
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Ray Nebel
Select Sires Inc.
Maintaining a high level of reproductive efficiency is required if dairy herd profitability is to be maximized. Reproductive performance of a dairy herd is a function of certain management policies and how well these management policies are implemented in the day-today management of the herd. The first step in evaluating the reproductive performance is to identify key measurements and use them as guides in developing or altering herd management policies and...
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INTRODUCTION Postpartum uterine disease is the leading cause of reproductive inefficiency in dairy cattle (Barlund et al., 2008). Dairy cattle farmed in intensive systems, commonly acquire microbial contamination of the uterus during parturition (Sheldon et al., 2008). Almost all dairy cows (80 to 100%) experience bacterial intrauterine contamination immediately after calving (Herath et al., 2006; Sheldon et al., 2009). Due to this fact, as well as due to the substantially...
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Ingrid Lorenz
Ingrid Lorenz and 2 more
University Colleague Dublin
University Colleague Dublin
Background Together with mastitis and poor fertility, lameness in cattle is one of three major factors influencing profitability and economic losses in modern dairy farming [1, 2]. In contrast to infertility and sub-clinical mastitis, lameness has a distinct negative effect on animal behaviour and welfare [3–5]. Lameness in dairy cows is a worldwide problem with herd prevalence estimates ranging from 8 % in New...
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Armagan Hayirli
Atatürk University, Turkey
Introduction Evaluation of serum or plasma electrolytes is important part of the blood chemistry profile in cattle. Potassium (K+) and sodium (Na+) are the major intracellular and extracellular cations, respectively.1 Chloride (Cl) is the major anion in extracellular fluid.1,2 Changes in serum/plasma chloride concentration are generally parallel to those of sodium. ...
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Ray Nebel
Select Sires Inc.
During the past 50 years that AI has been practiced in the U.S. the fertility of virgin heifers has remained relatively constant at approximately 65% first service conception; whereas, the first service conception rate for lactating cows has decreased approximately 33% from 60 to 40%. Conception per insemination is the outcome resulting from a multitude of factors that interact in an intricate fashion. Female fertility, male fertility, environmental factors, and techniques used in AI...
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Sathiyabama Kannan
Tamil Nadu Veterinary and Animal Sciences University
Tamil Nadu Veterinary and Animal Sciences University
Introduction Infectious bovine rhinotracheitis is worldwide in distribution caused by bovine herpes virus-1 (BHV-1), however, IBR was reported for the first time in India by Mehrotra et al. (1976). It is one of the most prevalent respiratory and reproductive viral disease of cattle. Sinha et al . (2003) and Malmarugan et al . (2004) reported the IBR prevalence of 2.75 per cent and 81.0 per cent in...
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USP -Universidade de São Paulo
USP -Universidade de São Paulo
1 Laboratório de Doenças Bacterianas da Reprodução, Centro Pesquisa e Desenvolvimento de Sanidade Animal, Instituto Biológico de São Paulo, São Paulo, SP, Brasil; 2 Unidade Acadêmica de Medicina Veterinária, Centro de Saúde e Tecnologia Rural, Universidade Federal de Campina Grande, Patos, PB, Brasil Brazilian Journal of Microbiology (2012): 594-601 ISSN...
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1 ANSES-INRA-ENVA, UMR 1161 Virologie, 23 avenue du Général De Gaulle, Maisons-Alfort 94704, France 2 Ecole Nationale Vétérinaire d’Alfort, Unité de Pathologie du Bétail, Université Paris-Est, 7 avenue du Général de Gaulle, Maisons-Alfort 94704, France 3 Direction scientifique des laboratoires, Plateforme de surveillance...
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Scientists in northern Europe are scrambling to learn more about a new virus that causes fetal malformations and stillbirths in cattle, sheep, and goats. For now, they don't have a clue about the virus's origins or why it's suddenly causing an outbreak; in order to speed up the process, they want to share the virus and protocols for detecting it with anyone interested in studying the disease or developing diagnostic tools and vaccines. The virus, provisionally...
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Hi, I'm a student of Master of Science ruminant nutrition. What would be the nutritional causes of stillbirth in heifers and dairy cows (parity 1). ...
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Sathiyabama Kannan
Tamil Nadu Veterinary and Animal Sciences University
Tamil Nadu Veterinary and Animal Sciences University
ABSTRACT Random sampling of milk, sera and synovial fluid from 100 cattle in a farm with a history of retained placenta, abortion and arthritis and hygroma was investigated. All milk and sera samples were subjected to various Brucellosis diagnostic tests. Culture study was carried out with aspirated synovial fluid and the culture growth was examined. Further, intense study of the farm animals revealed that...
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Bovine Viral Diarrhea Virus (BVDV) is a costly disease that affects cattle and other ruminants. The virus has many nasty effects, including fever, diarrhea, respiratory and reproductive disease, abortion, birth defects and death. The national economic impact of the disease has not been assessed in the United States, although one document from the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service (APHIS) estimates that acute BVDV could result in losses of $50 to...
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Abortion in dairy cattle is commonly defined as a loss of the fetus between the age of 42 days and approximately 260 days. Pregnancies lost before 42 days are usually referred to as early embryonic deaths, whereas a calf that is born dead between 260 days and full term is defined a stillbirth. A low rate of abortions is usually observed on farms and 3 to 5 abortions per 100 pregnancies per year is often considered "normal." However, the loss of any pregnancy can represent a significant loss...
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The percentage of stillbirths has been steadily increasing but you can take steps to improve that rate on your farm. You'll soon be able to improve the chances of having a live calf on the ground-especially from a first-calf heifer-by looking closely at bull proofs for calf survival rates due to be published in early 2008. Recent numbers suggest that stillbirths have been rising for Canadian Holsteins, although the reasons still aren't clear. Canadian Dairy Network statistics...
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A study of the nutritional benefits of goat milk, compared to cow milk, at preventing iron deficiency could prove to be a huge benefit to human health. Research carried out at the Department of Physiology of the University of Granada (UGR) has found goat's milk not only helps prevent against ferropenic anaemia (iron deficiency) but also combats bone demineralisation (softening of the bones). In the UK, cow milk dominates the market, which was estimated to be worth some £2.6bn in...
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Introduction A viral agent associated to outbreaks of respiratory diseases of bovines, is the Herpes bovis 1 (BHV-1) of the family Herpesviridae which provokes the infectious bovine rhinotracheitis (IBR). According to the genomic and antigenic type, the BHV-1 divides in BHV-1.1 and BHV-1.2, which, consequently, subdivides in BHV-1.2a and BHV-1.2b. 1 The clinical manifestations and give way of the disease depend on the anatomical site of the infection, age, and...
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Intervet has received approval for a new label claim for its Vista cattle vaccine. The modified-live vaccine provides protection against Bovine Viral Diarrhea Type 1 and Type 2, Infectious Bovine Rhinotracheitis, Bovine Respiratory Syncytial Virus and Parainfluenza3. Now, certain Vista products also will carry a label claim regarding Lepto hardjo. Vista 5 L5 SQ, L5 SQ and VL5 SQ products are now labeled as an aid in the prevention of urinary shedding of Leptospira hardjo organisms, in...
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