For the treatment of IBD we suggest...........
1. Broad spectrum antibiotics like Ciprofloxacin solution or Danofloxacin for two times in a day
2. Acetic acid (Vinegar) for one times in a day
3. Vitamin E and Selenium one times in a day
4.Suger at the noon times with drinking water @ 5gm/1L
Sometime we suggest for giving Immunodeveloper medicine.
After treatment ...........
Prognosis is favorable.
my birds keep on dying when they reach 4 th week . last winter it was water belly now heart attack in summer. please help me. can I have a guide for managing my project of broiler meat chickens
Dear, Christopher hlupani
Yes, their have lots of broiler management guide available in internet. From their u can download all of your necessary data.I think may be your country is so hot now , that's why most of the aged(4 week age) broiler falling in heat stress. so preventing heat stress u can follow those suggestion that are mention below:( ANY ONE OR TWO U CAN FOLLOW)
1. Sodi bi carb@ 1gm/ 1L of DW during hot time of day.
2.Vitamin -C @ 1gm/ 3 L of DW
3. Betain containing saline @1gm/1L of DW during hot day.(Its very effective for controlling heat stress)
4. Every day supply plenty amount of cool DW
5. Try to spray some cool water during very hot climate on all over the bird
are you sure its IBD but not CAV? clinical signs of IBD would not be detectable under 21 days. also according to my experience using antibiotics during IBD will absoultly increse the mortality.
salehi kahrizsangi Birds under three weeks of age don’t exhibit proper lesions of IBD due to under developed lymphatic & immune system. And no haemorrhaging lesions as complement system is not fully developed.