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Phileo by Lesaffre
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Phileo by Lesaffre

The effect of heat stress on broiler performance and strategies to reduce this effect

Published: May 22, 2019
By: Antonio García Estefan (Phileo-Lesaffre Animal Care), Serafín Solorio López, José Arce Menocal (Universidad Michoacana de San Nicolás de Hidalgo – Mexico) and José Ignacio Barragán (Independent Poultry Adviser – Spain)
The effect of heat stress on broiler performance and strategies to reduce this effect - Image 1
Heat stress in broilers can be defined as the result of metabolic, hormonal, and immune system changes suffered by the birds when they are unable to dissipate sufficient body heat to the environment due to unsuitable conditions. Increases in environmental temperature and relative humidity are key components in this phenomenon. Broilers need different environmental temperatures at different ages to maximize their natural potential for growth but, in general, environmental temperatures of over 25 °C from three weeks of age start to make it difficult for the birds to dissipate excess heat. According to the research available, temperatures above 18–19 °C cause a broiler’s metabolic rate to start to fall to maintain a stable body temperature.
Both feed intake and production of thyroid hormones that accelerate metabolism decrease in broilers during periods of heat stress, to reduce body heat production. Blood that usually circulates through the bird’s organs is also diverted to areas near to the skin to dissipate the excess heat. Intestinal integrity is weakened because there is not enough energy to produce the proteins that form the tight junctions between the enterocytes during this stage of the process. This enables enteropathogenic bacteria to translocate from the gut lumen to the blood systemic system, making infections more likely.
The broiler also produces corticosteroids in an attempt to reduce inflammation, and immune suppression occurs. Finally, the bird starts to use protein and energy from the diet to produce substances involved in the immune system, causing decrease of feed efficiency.
Broilers dissipate heat to the environment through conduction, radiation, convection, and evaporation. At temperatures above 28 °C, the main mechanism available to the bird to dissipate heat is evaporation through panting. However, this mechanism increases CO2 loss, reducing the bird’s buffering capacity. This situation will cause bird mortality if it lasts for a prolonged period. Symptoms shown by heat-stressed broilers are rapid respiration rate, and an increase in body temperature of about 2 °C above usual temperatures.
Mortality increases during periods of heat stress on farms with non-automated ventilation, and weight gain and feed efficiency both decrease. Modern, automated climate-controlled farms have helped reduce the problem of mortality during heat stress periods, but reductions in average daily gain and feed efficiency are still observed.
In Spain, the reduction in average daily gain experienced in summer has been found to be very similar whichever ventilation system is used.
One of the most useful mechanisms to reduce the detrimental effect of heat stress is good ventilation that maintains the environmental temperature as close as possible to the thermal comfort zone. When the environmental temperature is high, one of the first signs seen is that broilers start to drink more water. Broilers usually consume twice the volume of water as feed but, when the environmental temperature is high, water intake can increase to fivefold the volume of feed consumption. An excess of water in the gut causes diuresis and wet litter. Moreover, if water temperature is high enough to discourage the broiler from drinking, the bird will be unable to regulate its body temperature and will possibly stop eating, leading to weight loss. Drinking water is essential and critical during heat stress periods. The best water temperature for optimal consumption is 12 °C. With a temperature above 24°C broilers drink less. It is therefore extremely important to ensure access to water that is as cool as possible during summer.
Other management practices can be used to modify broiler metabolism and reduce losses from heat stress. These include feed restriction. Effective feed restriction should start at least three hours before the peak of heat in the day and should continue for three hours after the peak. This practice reduces mortality and does not particularly affect growth when carried out correctly. Restricting feed to 60% of normal consumption during days 4, 5, and 6 of life has been proven to reduce mortality if temperatures are high in the late stages of production.
Exposing young birds to high temperatures can condition them to survive high temperatures when they are older. This procedure consists in raising the temperature in the broiler house to 37 °C for a few hours every day between 5 and 7 days of age. Acclimatised birds will survive better if high temperatures occur after 30 days
Finally, the use of supplements such as selected yeast fraction in broiler feed can help to reduce problems caused by heat stress. Some enterobacteria have been shown to adhere to the selected yeast fraction, such as E. coli, Salmonellaspp., and Clostridiumspp. that colonize and infect more effectively during periods of heat stress (Figure 1).
The effect of heat stress on broiler performance and strategies to reduce this effect - Image 2
Figure 1. E. coli adhering to selected yeast fraction (Safmannan®) 
Once the pathogenic bacteria have adhered to the selected yeast fraction, they are flushed out of the gastrointestinal tract, resulting in lower levels of infection. Supplementation with selected yeast fraction has also been proven to protect gut integrity, effectively maintaining the proteins composing the tight junctions between enterocytes and making it more difficult for enteropathogenic bacteria to pass through this barrier (Figure 2).
The effect of heat stress on broiler performance and strategies to reduce this effect - Image 3
Figure 2. Presence of proteins that make up the tight junctions in the broiler gut at 14 days of age 
In addition, heat-stressed birds that are fed diets supplemented with selected yeast fraction produce less corticosterone, indicating that they are not suffering from heat stress to severely (Figure 3).
The effect of heat stress on broiler performance and strategies to reduce this effect - Image 4
Figure 3. Corticosterone production at different ages in birds fed a diet supplemented with selected yeast fraction (Safmannan®) (Sohail et al., 2012). 
One group of Mexican researchers, consisting of Doctors Ernesto Ávila, Carlos López Coello, and José Arce Menocal, have developed a novel technique where thermometers are surgically implanted into broilers’ necks (Figure 4) to evaluate how the birds’ body temperatures change during periods of heat stress. They found that body temperature in birds fed diets supplemented with selected yeast fraction, Safmannan®, were 0.5°C lower than their counterparts whose diets were not supplemented. This research also found that thyroid hormone production remained closer to normal levels in broilers fed with selected yeast fraction, Safmannan®, supplemented diets, compare to birds with no supplemented diets (Figure 5).
The effect of heat stress on broiler performance and strategies to reduce this effect - Image 5
Figure 4. Technique to evaluate changes in body temperature in heat-stressed birds fed with or without a diet supplemented with selected yeast fraction
The effect of heat stress on broiler performance and strategies to reduce this effect - Image 6 Figure 5. Thyroid hormone production in broilers fed with or without a diet supplemented with selected yeast fraction (Safmannan®)
In conclusion, several solutions can be applied to counteract the detrimental effects of heat stress in birds such as: keeping temperatures in production facilities as close as possible to the thermal comfort zone relevant to the age of the bird; managing feed; acclimatising birds to heat at an early age; supplementing feed with a paraprobiotic product such as selected yeast fraction. The summer period is critical for poultry production, and these different management strategies will support poultry farm profitability.
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Antonio Garcia Estefan
Phileo by Lesaffre
Phileo by Lesaffre
Jose Arce Menocal
Universidad Michoacana de San Nicolás de Hidalgo (México)
Universidad Michoacana de San Nicolás de Hidalgo (México)
James Tuan
Sunwiin Chemicals
28 de mayo de 2019
Betaine and Betaine HCl have been used successfully in many markets to mitigate the effects of heat stress in poultry, swine, and ruminants. Supplementation at ~0.1% in broilers effectively reduced body temperature, respiration, energy requirements, and helped maintain optimal metabolism and gut integrity.
Dr. Mehmet Kuran
Ondokuz Mayis University
Ondokuz Mayis University
28 de mayo de 2019

Thank you very much for the information.

Could you please provide literature on the following statement;

"Restricting feed to 60% of normal consumption during days 4, 5, and 6 of life has been proven to reduce mortality if temperatures are high in the late stages of production."

Ananth K
Natural Remedies Private Limited
28 de mayo de 2019
Thank you for this very informative article Antonio and Jose. Could you kindly provide a reference for this statement. "..Intestinal integrity is weakened because there is not enough energy to produce the proteins that form the tight junctions between the enterocytes during this stage of the process. This enables enteropathogenic bacteria to translocate from the gut lumen to the blood systemic system, making infections more likely" Thanks. .
Mike Czarick
University of Georgia
University of Georgia
27 de mayo de 2019
Could you please provide a reference for the following statement: Exposing young birds to high temperatures can condition them to survive high temperatures when they are older. This procedure consists in raising the temperature in the broiler house to 37 °C for a few hours every day between 5 and 7 days of age. Acclimatised birds will survive better if high temperatures occur after 30 days Thank you.
Wang Bin
2 de junio de 2019
Check ventilation system and cooling system. Use intelligent control systems
Dr. Mohammad Akram
28 de mayo de 2019

Dear Authors,
Thanks for providing good information to overcome the heat stress in Broilers.

Further to this I like to add that supplementation of Sodium Bicarbonate (NaHCO3) @ 0.4% in feed or (0.2% by weight) in water is helpful during heat stress in broilers.

Actually panting of birds to fight with high temperature causes loss of Carbon dioxide (CO2) and Respiratory Alkalosis raises pH of blood of affected birds. Addition of NaHCO3 maintaining the pH and birds feel comfortable.

For further details, the article of Dr. Dunny Hooge, Ph.D., read in March 2000 issue of Feed
International may be studied.


Dr. M. Akram.

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