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Developing effective natural solutions for animals - Liptosa: 2020 Summary and 2021 Challenges

Published: January 20, 2021
By: Lisa Collado, Liptosa
Developing effective natural solutions for animals - Liptosa: 2020 Summary and 2021 Challenges - Image 1
2020 Summary in Liptosa
The year 2020 is over. It has been, undoubtedly, a very different and challenging year that has left uncertainty and immeasurable losses, both personally and professionally, and which has impacted on all countries around the world. But we should not forget that it has also left us a great deal to learn.
Nature has made it clear that there are barriers that we cannot overcome; we must grow and prosper, not at any price, but from a sustainable point of view.
Developing effective natural solutions for animals - Liptosa: 2020 Summary and 2021 Challenges - Image 2Charles Darwin defended the fact that species that survive are those that manage to adapt to the environment, to the changes... Well, this is something we have been working on in Liptosa not just since 2020, but for a long time ago. Following the trail of our green way of life, moving forward, and adapting ourselves to the new emerging times.
According to United Nations sources, the world population in 2020 reached 7,673,533,970 people, with China and India at the top of the list. It is estimated that, by 2030, we will reach 8.5 billion people. This continuous increase in demography reinforces the idea that we must consider meeting these growing needs in the most balanced way in accordance with natural resources.
It is often commented that opportunities arise from the crisis... at Liptosa we have transformed the threats into new opportunities, facing and understanding the new challenges, and searching the best solutions adapted to each different market. We have focused on providing a better service despite the limitations of travel and face-to-face meetings by reinforcing the sales department and incorporating new professionals. We have also participated in numerous webinars and organised periodic video conferences in order to keep our clients updated and informed at any moment to satisfy their requirements.
New Challenges for 2021
At Liptosa, we are committed to innovation, investing in digital marketing and communication strategies, in more Research and Development projects, and in new product trials and new areas of business.
This pandemic situation has encouraged us to modify the concept of traditional fairs and congresses towards virtual models, simplifying meetings and improving the participation of those attending, but with the obvious restrictions of a closer contact.
The appropriate professional competence of our employees is also a major focus within the sales department, that is why we will keep investing time and resources in the continuous professional training of our staff.
Developing effective natural solutions for animals - Liptosa: 2020 Summary and 2021 Challenges - Image 3
There are great hopes for 2021. In this New Year, we will continue to look ahead and investing in new projects. In that respect, we are working on the introduction of new product lines, reviewing, updating, and improving the composition of our current references.
There are great hopes for 2021. In this New Year, we will continue to look ahead and investing in new projects. In that respect, we are working on the introduction of new product lines, reviewing, updating, and improving the composition of our current references.
Our greatest ambition is to continue developing effective natural solutions for animals, optimising, and minimising the use of drugs and translating this into a direct benefit for our customers; always respecting the bounties of Nature. This will allow us to continue supplying exclusive products on the market, based not only on the knowledge of the ingredients but also on our Know How, supported by more than 25 years of experience and by our team of animal nutrition experts.
Our objectives have been clearly defined in the wake of the global One Health initiative, being followed by major world organisations such as the FAO, WHO and OIE, with whose guidelines Liptosa is firmly engaged.
We do our bit to make human, animal, and environmental health a global project of shared importance. We wish that 2021 will be a year of intense work, hope and re-encounters.
On behalf of Liptosa, we thank you for walking by our side and for the trust you have placed in our team, even in these difficult times we are leaving behind.
Thank you for continuing to trust in a common project for 2021 and for many years to come.
*Certain information associated with products, their composition and claims may be different depending on the geographical region and may not be applicable in all countries. Liptosa reserves the right to adapt to the requirements and legislation in each case.
The information and technical recommendations provided herein are based on Liptosa's current knowledge and experience.
Liptosa reserves the right to update the information and arguments contained in this platform, as well as to make any changes to this information or recommendation at any time, without prior or subsequent notice.
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