Gizzard erosion in broilers and the impact of avian adenoviruses
Published:July 13, 2021
The identification of mild to moderate gizzard erosions (GE) in more than 20- 30% of the healthy commercial broilers examined in post mortem sessions, is commonly found in several countries in the Americas and Asia. The gizzard, also called muscular stomach, is composed of a koilin (keratenoid) layer and an underlying mucosa. GE is characterised by damage in the form of erosions that can beco...
Very informative article.
I would like to add some other causes of Gizzard erosions i.e. ND, Avian Influenza, Marek's Disease,Chicken Infectious Anemia and Megalobactor infection.
Very nice informative topics i I would like to add some information that occasionally observed GE in caseAI infection. However vvnd could be considered as well
Excellent analysis off the topic
You can add the soya quality problems and the existence off nitrogen remains like’ ouria’. A substance used to increase the protein level off soya meal by false
I have seen gizzard erosions consistently in Severe Newcastle Infections, Gumboro and Aflatoxicosis. Thank you for the broader inclusion of other causal diseases