Source :Univ. of Georgia Cooperative Extension Service
Achieving maximum health and performance of poultry requires nutritionally balanced diets. One of the common issues with regard to back yard flocks relates to poor or inadequate feeding programs that can lead to vitamin and mineral deficiencies for the birds. Vitamins and minerals are very important components of a chickens diet and unless a formulated ration is feed, it is likely that deficiencies will occur.
Poultry require all known vitamins except C. Some vitamins are soluble in fats, while others are soluble in water. Some of the symptoms of a vitamin deficiency are as follows:
Vitamin A
Decreased egg production, weakness and lack of growth.
Poor growth, anemia, poor feathering and egg production.
Dermatitis on feet and around eyes and beak.
Minerals are also important to the health and well being of poultry. The following are some of the important minerals and symptoms of mineral deficiencies:
Poor egg shell quality and poor hatchability, rickets.
Rickets, poor egg shell quality and hatchability.
Sudden death.
Perosis, poor hatchability.
Poor feathering, short bones.
Slow growth, mortality, reduced hatchability.
As indicated above, vitamin and mineral deficiencies can produce numerous health problems for chickens including in some cases death. Thus, to prevent nutritional deficiencies, or when deficiency symptoms are noted, feeding a balanced poultry ration with the required vitamins and minerals should be practiced.
By Dan L. Cunningham, Extension Coordinator Poultry Tips - College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences The University of Georgia Cooperative Extension Service
Dear Ahmad,
You can check he values that the different feeding systems recommend, such as the NRC (the American one).
Here you have:[1].pdf
This is an excellent presentation. However, for effective utilisation of the vitamin, choline chloride should be packed seperately from vitamin, especially in vitamin-mineral premix.
Vitamins and minerals make people's bodies work properly. Vitamins and minerals boost the immune system, support normal growth and development, and help cells and organs do their jobs.
It's really good stuff on vitamins and minerals in consolidated form. Thanks a lot to the author. And requesting him to attach me with a GMP company in Asia, preferably Thailand, Malaysia, Singapore, Japan or S. Korea who can manufacture me some customized vitamin and vitamin combination products in liquid form for marketing and distribution in Bangladesh market.
Good reference for the new enterer. Requirement for Commercial layer, Broiler, breeders at different stage vary. It will be nice if details are provided.
This is the basic information regarding the vitamins and minerals. We would be grateful for the information about the actual dose of vitamins and minerals for birds to recover these deficiencies.