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Energy in poultry diets

While protein, vitamins and minerals are referred to as nutrients, energy -the 4th and most costly part of the diet- is not a nutrient but the property of energy yielding nutrients. Dietary nutrients that yield energy are protein, fat and carbohydrates. Dietary energy level is the main factor influencing feed intake, as birds will, under normal circumstances, eat to satisfy their energy needs. Therefore the dietary nutrients, protein vitamins and minerals should vary in relation to the dietary energy content of the diet, if they are not to become deficient, with low feed intakes, or overconsumed, with low energy diets. While there are a number of factors, such as level of protein, balance of essential amino acids and perhaps level of some of the other dietary nutrients, that can influence the cost of a diet, the level of dietary energy is usually the main factor influencing diet cost.
Polyana Andrade
Universidade Federal Rural da Amazonia
Introduction The Brazilian poultry industry has grown at an accelerated speed in recent years, due to the advances in several areas like nutrition, genetic improvement, health, facilities, etc. This progress now allows the industry to offer the consumer with an optimum protein source at very affordable prices, as compared with products from other industries (Silva and Camargo, 2010). The objective...
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Fernando Tavares
Universidade Federal Rural da Amazonia
Introduction Consumers all around the world have adopted nutritional habits based on what they consider more natural, healthier foods. This has resulted in a constant expansion in the so called alternative poultry production, using country type, peasant, or hick broilers and hens (Varco et al ., 2000; Fraser, 2001). This farming system is characterized...
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Fernando Tavares
Universidade Federal Rural da Amazonia
Introduction The production of hick chickens is a viable, profitable, easy-to-explore  alternative, that could become an important activity for small and medium rural producers. This activity can contribute to increase family income, and it has grown in recent years in Brazil and elsewhere. As an alternative animal protein, hillbilly (country-, or peasant-type) chicken production has entered...
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Introduction Every day, the poultry industry gets larger and larger shares in world's meat market. Therefore, the poultry production has become the target of attempts to improve animal management/housing, due to pressures from a major part of consumers who search for healthier, less polluting foods while promoting animal welfare (Sheppard and Edge, 2005). Due...
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Introduction The production of chickens using alternative systems has shown an important growth in recent years due to the interest of a consumer segment for meat with different traits from those of conventionally-farmed broilers (Dourado et al ., 2008). Hick-type birds have a darker, firmer, tastier meat, with less carcass fat (Takahashi et al ., 2006). ...
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Introduction The progress and competitiveness of Brazilian poultry industry have resulted in constant genetic improvement of poultry strains. Research is being conducted in order to find genotypes with superior traits, selecting not only the best performing birds, but also those with increased carcass/edible part yields (Stringhini et al ., 2003). Among...
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Introduction The demand of animal-origin protein human consumption keeps growing. This encourages research in poultry, in the search of alternatives aiming to reduce production costs. Feeding represents nearly 70% of the total production cost, and it has shown to be an important factor whenever attempts are made to reduce such cost. Poultry nutrition research is being conducted aiming to improve...
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Introduction The benefits of feed processing are well recognized by the poultry industry. Pelleting is often used by feed mills due to enhanced feed usage and improved animal performance. In addition, pelleting results in increased nutrient digestibility due to the mechanical action of heat (López & Baião, 2004). Feed physical traits can be easily evaluated....
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Introduction An accurate estimation of the energy value of NSP enzymes and a flexible way to incorporate this in least cost optimalisation was a subject in many broiler studies. The NSP level and NSP characteristics determine the antinutritional effect of a broiler diet and therefore these parameters are important to estimate the energy value of NSP-enzymes. Arabinoxylan (AX), quantitatively the most important NSP structure, is abundantly present in...
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Everyone is familiar with the word "protein", because it turns up so frequently in everything from food to shampoo. Whether we are dealing with commercial or backyard flocks, all poultry need protein in the feed. Because of its tremendous importance, it is worthwhile to gain a basic understanding of this important nutrient. The range of different substances that are composed of proteins is so varied it is difficult to remember we are talking about the same basic thing. To illustrate,...
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