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DDGS in Poultry Feeding

Scope for the High Inclusion of Sorghum Distillers´ Dried Grains with Solubles in Broiler Chicken Diets

Published: June 15, 2011
By: M. R. BAREKATAIN (University of New England), M. CHOCT (Poultry CRC) and P. A. IJI (University of New England)
Distillers´ dried grains with solubles (DDGS) are increasingly becoming important in poultry feeding. Research into the use of this material has focused largely on maize DDGS from North America and less work has been done on the predominantly sorghum DDGS that are produced in Australia. In preliminary tests, we investigated the variation in nutrient composition of sorghum DDGS and then conducted a feeding trial on broiler chickens. The trial involved 432 day-old male broiler chicks in a 4 x 2 factorial layout (4 levels of DDGS inclusion - 0, 100, 200 or 300 g/kg with or without a xylanase enzyme, Ronozyme WX), over 21 days on starter diets and subsequently on finisher diets to 35d of age.

Compared to the control diet, feed intake was significantly increased (P<0.001) with the inclusion of dietary DDGS in the diet during the first three weeks and the entire period of this study. There was no effect on body weight gain (BWG) from the addition of dietary DDGS or xylanase. Feed conversion ratio (FCR) deteriorated significantly (P<0.05) with the rising level of DDGS in diets during the first 3 weeks of feeding. Over that period, the effect of xylanase supplementation was not significant at up to 200 g/kg DDGS inclusion. However, in birds fed 300 g/kg DDGS, the FCR was significantly improved (P<0.05) by the addition of xylanase, over the starter and the entire feeding period of the study, with birds ending up with similar body weight but tending to consume less feed as a result of xylanase addition.

Table 1 Growth performance of broiler chickens
Scope for the High Inclusion of Sorghum Distillers´ Dried Grains with Solubles in Broiler Chicken Diets - Image 1
Means in a column sharing different superscript differ significantly. (*P<0.05, **P<0.01, ***P<0.001)

While dietary DDGS or enzyme supplementation did not alter digestibility of starch, protein digestibility was adversely influenced (P<0.001) by increasing level of DDGS, which was in line with the results shown by Youssef et al. (2008). Increasing DDGS to 300 g/kg in the diet tended to increase ileal digesta viscosity, which was reduced as a result of enzyme addition to the diet. While there was no effect on pancreatic enzyme activities, sucrase and maltase activities were reduced (P<0.001) when birds received 200 and 300 g/kg DDGs. Xylanase may help to limit the detrimental effect of high DDGS inclusion especially in the starter phase of feeding.

Youssef IMI, Westfahl C, Suder A, Liebert F, Kamphues J. (2008) Arch. of Ani. Nt., 62, 404-414.
This paper was presented at the 22nd Annual Australian Poultry Science Symposium (APSS) on 14-16th February 2011 in Sidney, New South Wales. Engormix.com thanks the authors and the organizers, the Poultry Research Foundation and the World´s Poultry Science Association, for this contribution. 
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Prof. Paul Iji
University of New England
University of New England
Mingan Choct
University of New England
University of New England
Reza Barekatain
Prof. Paul Iji
University of New England
University of New England
23 de julio de 2011
Hello Nitin, Sorry, we missed your posting and questions. I am on tye road and will provide some brief answers: There surely should be variations between sources of grains, as influenced by climatic/edaphic/agronomic factors. Sorghum DDGS is quite similar to corn DDGS, so I guess the energy contents will be close, but I don't have data on me. Australian producers use less antibiotics than USA producers, which was one reason the American product is not used extensively here. We didn't assess flow rate. There is great variability between batches. More later Paul
Prof. Paul Iji
University of New England
University of New England
23 de julio de 2011

Regarding your question, the results of our experiment suggest that up to 15% Distillers Dried Grains (DDGS) not only affect body weight positively but also accompanied with different enzymes results in similar efficiency to corn and soybean meal based diets. We have not contacted any measurements on micotoxins but mortality in the experiment above was not significant among treatment. However, it is of importance to work on the effect of DDGS on health which we have done some works on it and the reports are to be published.

Prof. Paul Iji
University of New England
University of New England
16 de junio de 2011
Thanks, Dr Ramzee. The report came off a major project towards the PhD of the first author. There will be more reports coming, in line with your suggestions. Be on the look-out. Cheers. Paul
Reza Barekatain
16 de junio de 2011

Interesting article about Distillers Dried Grains. Meat quality was not considered in this experiment but according to the literature negligible differences would be expected.


Viviane Murer Fruchi
25 de septiembre de 2012

Firstly, congratulations for your work about Distillers Dried Grains.

I would ask, if possible, to send me the article because I will perform similar research with sorghum DDGS in Brazil and do not think scientific basis for sorghum DDGS digestibility. Thus, your work would be the basis in formulating diets.

My email is: vivianefruchi@zootecnista.com.br

I thank you.


George Mikhael
23 de julio de 2011

Thanks for this very interesting research about Distillers Dried Grains. But I have some questions:
A lot of research recommend that addition of DDGS in poultry should not exceed 10%
Other research say that DDGS is a source of mycotoxins
I need your answers

Nitin  Suryavanshi
16 de junio de 2011
feed cost remains the largest portion of poultry production cost,and alternative approach is needed to formulate low cost feed. the USA ,consumption of corn for ethanol and biodiesel production has led to increase in grain and feed fat price.The research has a good aspect of alternative appraoach and I appreciate the stress to find alternatives,but on the other hand DDDS ,has some constraint and i need to know from the author the following, 1]is there any variation in nutrient content in grains grown in different region. 2]what % of energy content in relation to corn and does it influence the value of sorghum DDGS. 3]what % of variation in moisture level,amino acid digestibility,sodium,potassium,phosphorous etc. 4]during fermentation process if any amount of antibiotic is added ,what is the presence or absence of antibiotic residue in product. 5]any approach to flow characteristic of DDGS. 6] it is observed by NRC[1994] ,that phosphorous values are higher in DDGS,and the available phosphorous differes ,doos it going to affect the use in layers. 7]does DDGS, have a relaible nutrient value. 8]does processing ,temperature ,fermentation process etc,affect the quality of product. 9]at what % it will replace corn,soyabean,bone meal.lysine ,methionine etc. 10]due to constraint in nutrient reliability how it will serve a true indicator in feed
Nitin  Suryavanshi
16 de junio de 2011
Dr. Arshaq A Ramzee
16 de junio de 2011

Due to increase in animal feed production in the world, whatsoever the reason, there is also a great increase in demand of macro and micro ingredients. Production managers all over the world are looking for alternate sources to formulate feed and DDGS is one of them. More research is required to establish DDGS in poultry diets at higher levels, you may add enzyme or some other alternate to increase inclusion of DDGS for safe use of feed. But we need more research to establish facts.

This is a good paper about Distillers Dried Grains. Bbut need to cover more parameters of production.

16 de junio de 2011


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