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Coccidiosis control methods - Samuel Rochell

Published: March 8, 2018
Samuel Rochell (University of Arkansas) explained the results of his research on coccidiosis vaccination and its impact on nutrient digestibility, during IPPE 2018 in Atlanta, USA.
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Dr Charles Ibe
16 de abril de 2023
Amprolium is a weak coccidiostat if used alone. Toltraziril is a coccidiocide. Use Amprolium in combination with sulphaquinoxaline! Alternate it with another coccidiostat. Sulphur drugs are only for rearing birds. Or use toltraziril to alternate with dicalzuril . Two of them are coccidiocides. I prefer coccidiostats because they give the birds a measure of graded immunity as time goes on. I had not used feed grade anticoccidia. Some one else can give us a clearer picture!
Stephen Adejoro Dr
25 de octubre de 2019

Management of necrotic enteritis must be considered along with any holistic management of coccidiosis and litter hygiene to subclinically guarantee preimmunity to the flick must be considered.
We need to control necrotic enteritis because the mucus produced from the pathogenesis of this infection is an adequate substrate for the survival of coccidia proliferation in poultry.
I always advise in my practice an excellent feed grade antibiotics and ciccidiostat to check mate the incidences if necrotic enteritis and coccidiosis in vivo.
As for the litter, the risk if iocydt build up comes from poor litter management that create conducive microenvironment for the build up of infective oocytes which are usually in the surroundings of waterers and feeders.
We need to minimize the level of oocyst risk in these regions by using friendly animal welfare products to absorb excess water contamination around the stated risk regions to slow down the proliferation of oocytes and minimize outbreak, but sustain preimmunity for the flocks.
A few of these nanotechnology friendly environmental products must be synergized with good feed grade antibiotics and cocci diostant to put coccidiosis outbreak on hold in continuous broiler production.
For more information on our knowledge on the management of coccidiosis in the humid tropical region visit our news at https://blog.lifango.org

Santiago Sievert Garcia
5 de junio de 2018
However if you experiencean outbreak, I suggest you use a coccidiocide to kill the adult coccidia and repeat the treatment before the newly sporulated oocysts reproduce to break the cycle. This would preclude the development of resistant coccidia.
Santiago Sievert Garcia
5 de junio de 2018
I agree with Dr. M. Mazhar Khan. The best control measure is to vaccinate the birds between 1-5 days of age with Cocci Vac. We have used this method effectively since 1976 in all the farms I have supervised. I still would like some research to be done on the source of the Coccidia that infects birds in newly built poultry units which have been thoroughly disinfected with all the equipment and paraphernalia.
Dr. M.Mazhar Khan
5 de junio de 2018
There is a simple solution of Cocci Vac spray at day one is best solution to protect Broiler breeders.We have complete control of Cocci in broiler breeder through Cocci Vac D in Pakistan. Cocci Vac D is distributed by I.C.I in Pakistan.I do not remember that i have seen any Coccidiosis case during last 10 to 15 years in well manage farms heaving strict Bio security measure as we can not depend 100% on vaccines.Mostly anti coccidiosis medicines having some after effects. Thank you.
Surender Reddy
28 de mayo de 2018

We can reduce the cocci incidences by maintaining a very good farm environment with perfect disinfection which is suitable to kill oocysts, because coccidiosis is a purely managemental failure disease which will be spread through oocysts. Oocysts can survive years in the soil and there are multiple hosts/vectors for their survival, so it's always better to maintain better farm management conditions along with feeding coccidiostats like ionophores or others and administering effective vaccines according to the local infectious Eimeria species.

Sushil Chandra
28 de mayo de 2018

In India now broiler breeders, layer breeders and commercial layers are being kept in cages hence coccidiosis in such birds have reduced to a greater extent.
In case of commercial broilers this coccidiosis problem still exists where ever litter management is poor and ventilation is bad.
Early observation in the flock for coccidiosis. If observed and medication with vitA is given. One can control this issue to some extent.

Dr. Chandra.

13 de abril de 2023
For Coccidiosis prevention program can we use (Amprolium/Toltacox alternately ) in water and ( Sacox/Nimax) in feed simultaneously to avoid risk of coccidiosis, because this farms are high loaded with coccidia as known from outbreaks previous history. These two way shuttle programs effect on birds or are there any antagonistic reaction?
Ram Nivas Verma
2 de septiembre de 2019
10year expires agribusiness
Muhammad Bashir Alhaji
30 de agosto de 2019
Ihave gone through ur findings on how to prevent oocyst in poultry litter thanks for your contributions i sat to wait for new welcome development God bless
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