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Use of DigestoCid© to eliminate E. Coli from drinking water

Published: July 14, 2021
By: PlusVet Animal Health
Use of DigestoCid© to eliminate E. Coli from drinking water - Image 1
In a previous article, we discussed the importance of contaminated drinking water as a risk factor for colibacillosis and stressed the need to pay attention to its microbiological quality.
In a recent trial made in our lab, we showed the in vitro effectiveness of DigestoCid© to eliminate E. coli from drinking water:
In the test, drinking water was artificially contaminated with 100 cfu/ml of E. coli. DigestoCid© was added to four aliquots of the contaminated water at concentrations of 0.25, 0.5, 1, 2 ml/litre. Another aliquot of contaminated water without DigestoCid© was taken as blank. After 24 h of incubation at 20ºC, a dilution of each aliquot was seeded on Muller Hinton Agar and incubated during 24ºC to check for bacterial growth.
Use of DigestoCid© to eliminate E. Coli from drinking water - Image 2
Use of DigestoCid© to eliminate E. Coli from drinking water - Image 3
DigestoCid© at 0.25 ml/L was able to reduce the growth of E. coli by 97.6%, while at a concentration of 0.5 ml/L and higher was able eliminate E. coli completely.
It is concluded that DigestoCid© is helpful to eliminate E. coli from drinking water and should be part of a holistic plan to prevent colibacillosis.
Ms. Tai Wenshu, Technical Sales Support and Product development
Product of choice
DigestoCid© is intended as a water acidifier, water sanitizer and to improve gut health in poultry and pigs of all ages.
It contains:
  • Buffered organic acids, that reduce the pH of drinking water and inhibit the growth of Gram-negative bacteria.
  • Monoester fatty acids also called medium chain fatty acids, that inhibit the growth of Gram-negative and Gram-positive bacteria and have antiviral effects.
  • Essential oils and phytochemicals with antibacterial, antifungal, antiviral and antioxidant properties.
DigestoCid© has a broader spectrum of action compared to products based solely on organic acids and allows superior antibacterial and antifungal effectiveness at a less acidic pH (5.5-6.5) than competitors
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Luc Goethals
Sanluc International nv
28 de mayo de 2023
Dear.. Thanks for the interesting topic and information. It's not always easy to manage the drinking water quality parameters. Could you explain how you are able to reduce the pH of the drinking water, while using BUFFERED organic acids ? And furthermore how do you avoid (negative) interactions between the three groups of ingredients : buffered organic acids, monoesters of MCFA's and Essential oils & phytochemicals. Thanks
Dr Kotaiah Talapaneni
Indbro Research & Breeding Farms
Indbro Research & Breeding Farms
25 de marzo de 2022
Using online medicators Can constantly pump acidifiers.
Surinder Maini
21 de enero de 2022
Acidification of water to reduce pH, and control bacteria is not possible as 24/7 acidity needs to b maintained for this, which is seldom done by farmers, they are habituated to use medication in morning n leave the evening water in medicated or non santised
George Entz
12 de enero de 2022
Water is a fascinating subject. I would like to caution that in not all circumstances will decreasing water PH along with essential oils eliminate pathogens (e-coli, etc..) . If your sanitation program is failing (due to application, dose, resistance etc..) then the problem of having bacteria present will accelerate with adding any organic substances. One also must be careful that the product doesn't interfere with the chosen sanitizer. I have seen minerals, vitamins,essential oils etc.. tie up the sanitizer whether it be chlorine based or peroxide based. Always check sanitizer level before and after adding any product. One neat trick I like is to collect a water sample in a sanitized jar from the end of the drinking line, and let it sit for a while. Look through it against a light, and if it's still clean, your chances of having no bacteria is quiet high.
Dr Kotaiah Talapaneni
Indbro Research & Breeding Farms
Indbro Research & Breeding Farms
3 de enero de 2022
Elimination of E.Coli from animal and human premises? Far Cry. Keep animals and yourself healthy and free from stress. E.Coli stays at its place. But will be there. No acid can ELIMINATE.
SDC Agro-vet (india)
3 de septiembre de 2021
Can you suggest your protocol one layer farm what is the protocol what feed navy you require
SDC Agro-vet (india)
27 de agosto de 2021
Yes how to administer in poultry to get rid of E. coli in rearing flock
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