Interesting the Web app to measure antibiotic usage in poultry farms. I am very proud to be associated to the veterinary group at Ghent University that are working on antibiotic useage and its consequences. A key to minimizing use is to work directly with farmers to evaluate the animal health effects of not using antibiotics and finding alternative pathways to animal health. No farmer wants to use antibiotics, unless he/she has to. As Dr Henrik Wegener of Denmark so succinctly has stated 'Prophylactic antibiotics are not treating sick animals but treating a sick management system'. The key is therefore to assist producers in optimizing their management system.
Dear Sir ,
As a veterinarian working in Broiler Industry i feel that one should always avoid the use of Higher Antibiotics in poultry but now a days may be because high density of population & uneducated farmer's entered in maintaining Parent stocks , & expectations of farmer's to get instant results has compelled vets to prescribe heavy antibiotics which ultimately has created a resistance over many antibiotics .
I tried this with Probiotics & is giving good response .The research has to be done to reduce the use of Antibiotics which in turn developing resistance as well as overall flock results are hampered .Managemental aspects , Density of Population , Measuring the Bacterial count & proper care of Parent socks will definitely improve the situation .
Sincere thanks to all those persons associated with the veterinary group at Ghent University those are working on antibiotic usage and its consequences.
Developed countries have already established policies and regulations in this respect however, in countries like India where even human antibiotics are available over the counter without the prescriptions this is going to be a big challenge.
I am happy that now at least some actions are being initiated in this direction but, we have a long way to go. The results can come in faster only if all the veterinarians in poultry industry realize the seriousness of the issue.
Fortunately for past couple year’s poultry breeder farmers have had good returns and that has helped in convincing them to use alternative products like pro-biotic and acidifiers.
One thing which I would like to appeal to all my veterinarian friends through this forum is that please educate the farmers in using the correct dosage of these alternative products. Many times on account of higher costs of these products, they are under used and hence do not give the desired results which will lead to losing the faith in these products and farmers will again go back to the anti-biotic usage.
I would also like to thank Dr. Jaydip for giving the detail information about the Indian government’s role in this regard.
Dr. Anant Deshpande
Dear sir,
Thank you with your good news about the Web app to measure antibiotic usage in poultry farms. when will we access this website?
Thank you for the news. The use of antibiotics in poultry is a real problem for us, which can cause human health implications . So we would be happy to take advantage of the information presented by the Web
Best Regards
Nadir Alloui
Batna University
Thank you for this interested subject ,every vet interested to minimise using antibiotics in poultry
The most important point that majority of Bacterial inf is considered as secondery bacterial inf .after stress factors either managemetal or viral inf.
So it is very important to control these factors like MYCOPLASMOSIS,IB,pneumo virus ...etc
Sometimes we have to use antibiotics with limited range specialy in our area poor water quality ,dry weather,heat stress or very cold in winter
The most critical using of antibiotic is in commercial production layers which dayly lying eggs @going for human consumption ,then we have to spoil these eggs during using antibiotics
In broilers easy to limit sence marketing age is 4 to 5 weeks maximum, but in layers ages can reach more than 85 weeks
we tried probiotics ,but no encouraging results
Best regards
Dr. Mustafa A .Aziz
no doubt we have limited drugs to use in poultry if we mis-use these then we will face to much.mostly people do this due to lack of knowledge.this will be a wonderful job.