Vaccinations are available for a number of diseases that affect swine. In some cases vaccination constitutes the major part of the control of the disease. In many other cases it is only a small part of the control program. Vaccination programs need to be tailored to each swine operation. Remember that vaccination only raises a pig's level of resistance. If other important management procedures are neglected, even this elevated level of resistance may be inadequate to prevent disease.
Vaccines must be stored and administered according to label directions if they are to be effective. Slaughter withdrawal time must be observed at all times to avoid illegal residues. The most common times for administering many vaccines are before breeding and before farrowing. This protects the sow and passes antibodies to the piglets for their protection.
Introduction: Porcine Dermatitis and Nephropathy Syndrome (PDNS) is a clinical sign of Porcine Circovirus Associated Disease (PCVAD). PDNS is characterized by purple skin lesions with black center, fever, and lethargy, mostly affecting fattening pigs between 12-16 wks old. Vaccination is one of the tools to handle PCV2 and PDNS. This case report illustrates the real situation in pig farm in Thailand that suffered from PDNS for years and how the farm changed vaccination program...
Introduction: A new strain of Porcine Epidemic Diarrhea virus (PEDv) occurred in the Republic of Korea in November 2013 and continues to impact the swine industry up to now. The new strain was sequenced and the results showed that the spike protein gene of this newly prevalent PEDv is 99.64%~99.81% homologous to the PEDv isolated in USA from 2013 to 2014. CAVAC acquired ISU46065IA13 strain (genotype 2a), a field isolate by Iowa State University, USA, and developed a new...
Introduction: Objectives 1) Determine the sow serum-neutralizing antibody titer (NABT) baseline status and response from a 2 dose blanket vaccination of Zoetis’ conditionally licensed PEDv vaccine in both a naïve population, and a farm previously exposed to PEDv. 2) Determine the NABT level expressed in colostrum and milk after triple vaccination in these farms. Materials and Methods: A historically naïve (Farm A) and a...
Introduction: PRRS infection is one of the most serious diseases that causes huge economic loss. The purpose of this study is to evaluate 3FLEX® vaccination to control PRRSv infection in the nursery and to compare the efficacy when vaccinated separately or as 3FLEX®, in the combination with FLEXcombo®. Materials and Methods: The study was performed in a farrow to finish one site farm of 200 sows. The farm used already FLEXcombo®...
Introduction: Porcine reproductive and respiratory syndrome virus (PRRSV) is endemic in major swine producing countries. Dual-technology (DT) vaccination programs combining modified live vaccine (MLV) and killed vaccine (KV) have gained interest in order to better control PRRSV infection and favor whole herd stabilization. A survey for PRRSV circulation in the pig flow on eight farms having implemented a DT vaccination program in sows was performed by monitoring the PRRSV...
Introduction: Vaccination against PCV2 and Mhyo has become a standard measure in the swine industry worldwide. The objective of this study was to compare the efficacy of a freshly mixed PCV2 and M hyo combination and a pre-manufactured PCV2/M hyo vaccine combination against a PCV2b challenge. Materials and Methods: The trial was conducted as a randomized, blinded vaccination-challenge efficacy study with 55 CDCD pigs. Animals were included at about 21 days of...
Introduction: The PRRS vaccines have been considered as a part of the tools to control PRRSv problems. Several commercial type 2 PRRS vaccines are available in the Thai swine industry. The aim of this study is to compare the efficacy of PRRS vaccines type 2 vaccination in piglets in a commercial farm in Thailand. Materials and Methods: The retrospective study was observed in 1,300 sows farrow – nursery farm with conversional system located in...
Introduction: The aim of this study was to compare the humoral immune responses elicited in naïve pigs by five different inactivated monovalent Erysipelothrix rhusiopathiae vaccines. Materials and Methods: A controlled, blinded field study was performed on a 360-sow farm located in Catalonia (Spain). A total of one hundred and eighty 13-week-old pigs, clinically healthy and free from antibodies against E. rhusiopathiae , were randomly...
Introduction: In the Netherlands antibiotic use in human health care and in food-producing animals is a concern for the Dutch society and the Dutch government. The use of antibiotics is controlled by law and the consequence is a strict monitoring in the diagnostics of diseases including laboratory tests to confirm disease and treatments. The message of the Dutch government is simple: use less antibiotics in animals. In this survey, we demonstrate how in a finishing farm...
Introduction: Mycoplasma hyopneumoniae is one of the primary pathogens involved in the Porcine Respiratory Disease Complex. Breeding sows are responsible for maintaining M. hyopneumoniae infections within the herd and young sows are more likely to transmit the pathogen to their piglets compared to older sows. Additionally, piglet colonization at weaning has been suggested as a predictor of clinical disease and lung lesions at slaughter. The aim of this...
Introduction: During an outbreak of respiratory disease, pigs suffering of severe and usually fatal respiratory distress can be observed sporadically. During necropsy, oedema and haemorrhage of the mucosa can be observed in the trachea leading to the suspicion of severe tracheitis. However, aetiology of tracheitis remains obscure in pigs. We report here a clinical case of tracheitis in finishing pigs. Materials and Methods: This study reports on a 200 sow...
Introduction: PRRS is one of the most significant pig diseases in the modern swine industry. The addition of a killed vaccine (KV) (PROGRESSIS, Merial, France) vaccination at D90 of gestation in farm where sows are regularly vaccinated with a modified live vaccine (MLV) have been shown to contribute to the stabilization the sows, leading to a better control of PRRS virus circulation in the pig flows. This case report describes a long-period monitoring of PRRSV circulation using...
Introduction: Actinobacillus pleuropneumoniae(APP) is an important pig pathogen, which is responsible for swine pleuropneumonia, a high contagious respiratory infection. The Apx toxins are species specific and all field strains produce these toxins. Apx toxin is consist of virulence domain A subunit and cell binding domain B subunit. Protein transduction domains (PTD) are small peptides able to carry proteins, peptides, nucleic acid, and nanoparticles, including...
Introduction: Porcine reproductive and respiratory syndrome virus (PRRSV) is an economically important animal virus that causes reproductive failure and respiratory track illness in pigs. Current inactivated vaccines have low efficacy and/or complicated time-consuming production procedure requiring application of hazardous reactants such as formaldehyde or binary ethylenimine. Here, we studied the possibility of hydrogen peroxide (H 2 O 2 ) as a suitable...
Introduction: Most common influenza A virus (IAV) control measures include sow vaccination using prefarrow, mass or a combination of prefarrow and mass vaccination protocols with either commercial, autogenous or both vaccines. Piglets prior to wean are important in the maintenance of influenza infections in breeding herds as well as in the dissemination of the virus into wean-to-finish facilities. The aim of this study was to evaluate the effect of sow vaccination...
Introduction: Porcine reproductive and respiratory syndrome (PRRS) is a devastating viral disease affecting swine industry worldwide. Innate immune response to PRRS virus (PRRSV) infection varies among pig breeds. Elucidating the role of host genetics in the variation of PRRSV vaccine responsiveness may lead to characterize the host immunocompetence and thereby resistance to PRRS. Therefore, the current study aimed to investigate the breed difference in innate immune response to...
Introduction: The object was to determine if Zoetis’ conditionally licensed PEDV vaccine will enhance immunity in animals that were exposed to wild PEDV virus approximately 18 months prior. Materials and Methods: This project was performed from 7/20-9/8 2015 at a 2,200 sow breed-to-wean site that broke with PEDV in February 2014. The enrolled sows farrowed in August 2015 which is approximately 18 months post-infection. The study’s protocol used...
Introduction: PRRS and CSFV vaccine are both widely used in China. Most of time they will be vaccinated on piglets apart 2 weeks. Studies have shown that vaccinating CSFV vaccine 2 days after PRRS vaccination will reduce CSFV immunity response.From our farm routine antibody monitor program, we found CSFV antibody positive rate always low(< 30%), so we designed to investigate if vaccinated piglets CSFV vaccine 2 weeks after PRRS vaccination still influence CSFV antibody...
Introduction: Intradermal (i.d.) application of vaccines offers an improved hygienic standard compared to intramuscular (i.m.) injection. While previous studies confirmed similar immune responses in animals vaccinated i.d. and i.m., studies on consequences on animal behaviour are still lacking. Therefore, this study evaluated welfare aspects of i.d. and i.m. vaccination in suckling piglets. Materials and Methods: The study was carried out in three batches in a...
Introduction: Porcine Epidemic Diarrhea (PED) is a Coronavirus infecting pigs globally but most especially in Asia1,2,3. The outbreaks have been causing problems in Philippine commercial farms. This field trial was conducted to confirm the efficacy of a Modified Live PED Vaccine (Enterisol® PED) in a commercial farm under field conditions. Materials and Methods: The trial was conducted in a 500-sow farrow to finish farm in the North part of the...