Hello David Hoo, it contains MOS, but certainly not a MOS product. Rather combination. You can visit our website for the product details.
Juarez Donzele great comments! If by trying to add germinative strains to the feed of sows at pre farrowing stage. Not spuruled.
Sorry, but I think we must consider the molecules, products, by-products generated by microbioma before indicate any benefic effect in performance in piglets or sows. The food animal industry must get an alliance with other scientist who are studing DNA or micro-arrays to offer a conclusion about any supplementation.
The work seemed interesting to me from all angles, but zootechnical and health highlight more because of the increase in the volume of production of colostrum and IgG, which would give us heavier and healthy piglets.
Is soy sauce cake, i.e. by-product of Kikkoman sauce contain also consider as yeast derivatives? Please comment. Thanks.