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david lim
Participation in Forum on December 12, 2020
Can I use the squeezed out liquid from coconut apple (coconut embryo) for fermentation? I can get 100 litre per day. Your advice is highly appreciated. Thanks.
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Ewa Sujka presents the new natural product, which stands out for its performance in layers and swine, during Eurotier 2018 *Certain information associated with products, their composition and claims may be different depending on the geographical region and may not be applicable in all countries. Liptosa reserves the right to adapt to the requirements and legislation in each case. The informatio ...
Participation in Forum on June 21, 2020
Also, can I use dried coconut rind (coconut testa) to replace coconut oil for weaner pigs?
Participation in Forum on June 21, 2020
What is the recommended ratio of Histidine to Lysine?
Participation in Forum on October 3, 2019
Steffen Hansen, Thanks for the explanation. I make quite a high SID lysine of 1.55 for the weaner pigs together with NE of 2520 Kcal/kg. I really need to get the baby pigs strong enough to face all the challenges ahead. Thanks!
Participation in Forum on October 3, 2019
Strangely with more than one year in using this combination, I am enjoying to see piglets hardly having more than 2% diarrhoea. The piglets grow extremely well with very encouraging results. How do you explain these combinations can trigger diarrhoea? Explaination is always highly appreciated. Thanks.
Participation in Forum on October 2, 2019
I use 1.5kg zinc oxide and 6% coconut testa for the last 1 year. Under the observation, there is minimal diarrhoea, 2% maximum. I also use antibiotic, tiamulin 1kg in feed.
Participation in Forum on September 27, 2019
Is soy sauce cake, i.e. by-product of Kikkoman sauce contain also consider as yeast derivatives? Please comment. Thanks.
Participation in Forum on September 18, 2019
The analysis of the dry coconut rind is : Ash - 8.08%; crude fat - 53.15%; crude fibre - 31.57%; crude protein 8%: dry matter - 97%; starch - 1.59%; sugar - 18%; NDF 9.87; ADF - 11%. The inclusion is 10% for baby pig feed, for average weaning weight 7kg. I feed them for 14 days. Under my observation, only 2% with some mild diarrhoea.
Participation in Forum on September 14, 2019
What if I put in dry coconut testa instead of wheat bran? It is available in my area. Can anybody help or give me any suggestions?
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