Yes, indeed, carnitine could be a part of the antioxidant mixture to deal with various stresses.
Dr. Peter, I congratulate you on the article. Very interesting reports on the actions of carnitine. I would like to question the effective antioxidant action of carnitine in the metabolism of broilers submitted to heat stress. As I am aware, high temperatures increase the oxidative stress of chickens by decreasing the activity of the UCP decoupling protein. In this case, due to the increase in proton concentration, the mitochondrial membrane potential increases, thus increasing oxidative stress. My question is whether in this case, the carnitine would have some action increasing the activity of the UCP decreasing the oxidative stress.
Hello, gentlemen,
Carnitine products need to be supported by the osmotic regulation of the cell membrane by betaine. That could be the base of antistress factor.