Im impressed of this website and I hope i would be able to get assistance as soon as possible. Im working as a Community Development Practitioner and im supposed to assist a piggery project with a business plan. Can someone assist me on the basics tools/equipment for one to buy when starting a piggery project. This project operate at a very small scale.
Mashilo Phosa I have small pig house. Now I'm thinking of making it bigger. How can I write a proposal to seek to get funds?
I want to start a pig project. Help me with the set up of the pig sty the best recommendations for raising pigs.
You can make sties out of just about any thing you can get your hands on. As long as it has enough room for the pigs or pig and is dry warm and cosy for them and does not face in to the wind you will have it right. If you are happy to lay in it and feel no drafts then your pig will also be fine.
Hi, I have already started a piggery project and its doing well, but I need a lot of information on feeding in order to improve the weight. Secondly I would like to network with other pig farmers in order to share information and also visit their farms to learn new methods of better farming.
What are the best contents to include in a per-feasibility study of a piggery production farm which will operate from farrow to finish?