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Mycotoxin risk management - Adisseo

Published: September 16, 2020
Mycotoxins are highly toxic secondary metabolic products of moulds. They lead to decreased productivity and profitability in livestock. At Adisseo, we have developed a comprehensive approach to the management of mycotoxins. Our MycoMan range of services allows the mycotoxin risk to be identified and optimal strategies to be developed thanks to the mycotoxin prediction tool, the harvest bulletin, quick or laboratory tests and, finally, our mobile app. Moreover, Adisseo has also developed a portfolio of produ
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Margaux Lecolinet
Peetambar Dahal
UC Davis - University of California
UC Davis - University of California
1 de noviembre de 2020

There is need of using resistant lines and biological control and maintaining the moisture of dry food/feed products using dry chain thereafter to minimize the mycotoxins.


Akos Mesterhazy
Cereal Research Non-Profit Ltd.,Hungary
Cereal Research Non-Profit Ltd.,Hungary
24 de octubre de 2020

My largest problem that in your chart the first step is the forecasting. The prevention would be better, as I mentioned we have resistance differences to exploit. As it cannot ever be perfect, at least not at out present genetic knowledge, the significantly lower toxin contamination could be treated at a much better efficacy than the high one. This is clear. Toxin binders, antibiotics are expensive, but they lessen only toxin consequences, but cannot full prevent toxin damage.
As we have to deal with at least 5-6 toxins that respond differently to the same treatments, it is not always easy to prevent greater losses in animal husbandry. Especially following an epidemic in the given plant.
I would combine the prevention (resistance, agronomy, fungicide treatments (where feasible) and later the different methods suggested by different firms by their products. And of course, there is an amount of mycotoxins that cannot be economically treated, here we can think a non feed or food utilization. Like energy production and others.

dr murad ali
15 de enero de 2021

The control of mycotoxin in feed is essential factor in the feed because prevention is better than cure. We must be aware of use of fungicide and about agronomy. Also about the season of cutting from September to mid of October, the moisture content is more in feed ingriedient especially in maize which is main element of live stock and poultry feed. We must have to add toxin binder of clay base and live yeast as saccharomyces cerevisiae to prevent further complications. The most cases I seen in livestock is of mastitis and dirhea and sara sub acute ruminal acidosis. which oftenly non treated due omasum non functional.

Baljinder mohal
23 de noviembre de 2020

Yeah, Cattle industry in India is little aware of it, on a mass scale how can we bring into their knowledge? Although Nutrition companies are doing work upon it but the DAIRY farmer confuses himself about which toxin he should use or which no, So can you provide any comparative study about different toxin binder?

satish hudekar
12 de octubre de 2020
How to manage and control micotoxines in broilet feed.
Neel Siriwardana
9 de octubre de 2020

Yes, It is a major factor in disease management and huge economic losses in broiler and breeders.

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