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Mycotoxin Contamination in Wheat Harvested in the United Kingdom in 2020

Published: December 28, 2020
By: Margaux Lecolinet, Global Marketing Manager Mycotoxins Management. Julia Dvorska, Global Scientific & Technical Manager Mycotoxin Management
The average level of total B-trichothecenes (1534 μg/kg) was the highest detected in the past five years and according to our risk assessment presents a medium risk to sensitive animals. Levels of ZEA, BZEA, HT2 and FB1 were low and present a low risk for the animal health and performance.
Considering the mycotoxin levels detected and the likelihood of multiple mycotoxins (detected in 34% of samples), there is a greater probability of observing negative effects of the mycotoxicosis when wheat is used in levels above 50% of the ration.
Based on the results of this survey conducted by Adisseo, the 2020 wheat crop in the UK and Ireland is of variable quality and should not automatically be considered safe for inclusion in finished feed rations for all animal species.
Mycotoxin Contamination in Wheat Harvested in the United Kingdom in 2020 - Image 1
Mycotoxin contamination of newly harvested grain is a very important parameter to consider. This grain will be used to feed animals for the whole year until the next new harvest. Knowing the level of contamination, we can consider how we should best use this grain, which animal species to feed it to, what inclusion level to use in the complete ration and which product from the MycoMan Program to use to decrease possible negative effect of contamination on animal performance and health. Read the complete harvest bulletin here
Related topics:
 Julia dvorska
Margaux Lecolinet
Hafiz Wasi Muhammad Khan
27 de marzo de 2021
such studies are always helpful to judge magnitude of the issue faced due to such crops both in human beings as well as in livestock
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