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Mycotoxins in beef cattle

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Greg Penner
Greg Penner and 3 more
University Saskatchewan
University Saskatchewan
Introduction Changing climatic conditions in Western Canada has led to increased amounts of wheat grain failing milling grade standards and as a result more is available as feed (He et al., 2015). One reason for wheat grain failing grading standards is infection with Fusarium graminearum and/or Claviceps purpurea, which produce deoxynivalenol (DON; Bianchini et al., 2015) and ergot alkaloids (EA; Tittlemier et al., 2015), respectively. Due to the ability of the rumen microbial...
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Damien P. Prévéraud
1. Rumen protects dairy cows against mycotoxins… only partially Mycotoxins are toxic metabolites, produced by fungi, that can develop in grains and forages. The most well-known and probably the most feared type of mycotoxins in dairy production are...
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The mycotoxin contamination of grain harvested in a single year can differ from the mycotoxin patterns and levels of previous years in the same climatic region. Therefore, buying the newly harvested grain is like a betting game for the producer of animal feeds who has to deal with unknown, 'on-fire' contamination. Our MycoMan range of services allows the risk from the raw materials to the animals to be identified. ...
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Maize is growing fast on the Serbian fields for the MyToolBox project, thanks to proper and timely pest- and weed-control on the fields from Agrocentrum in Becej, Serbia.   MyToolBox - "Safe Food and Feed through an Integrated ToolBox for Mycotoxin Management" is a project which goes beyond the field-to-fork approach to reduce moulds and mycotoxins in the food and feed chains.   Despite huge research investments, prevention and...
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First recognised in a few fields in southern Manitoba in the early 1980’s, by the late 1990’s Fusarium Head Blight (FHB) had spread to cereal crops in south-eastern Saskatchewan. The Western Grains Research Foundation estimated that FHB has cost cereal producers and secondary processors over $1 billion due to losses in yield and end use quality (WGRF 2001). Fusarium head blight, caused by the fungus Fusarium...
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Should dairy and beef producers be concerned about moldy feeds? The largest practical problem when feeding moldy feeds is the effect mold has on feeding value.  Energy levels will be up to 10-15% lower and palatability may be negatively affected.  This reduces performance if adjustments are not made.  Proper ration balancing is even more important when moldy feeds are being fed. Cattle are more resistant to mycotoxins than monogastrics...
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Evidence of molds is typical under normal growing conditions, however, hail damaged, drought and/or damp growing conditions contribute to excess molds on maturing corn plants, according to Dr. Terry Mader, University of Nebraska Extension Beef Specialist. Toxins produced by mold are called mycotoxins. Aflatoxins and fusarium toxins, such as zearalenone and vomitoxin are mycotoxins of most concern to livestock producers. In general, aflatoxins are more prevalent under warm, dry conditions while...
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Mycotoxins are the metabolic by-products of fungi. They can cause serious health problems in cattle and other animals, including reduced weight gain, capillary fragility, reduced fertility, suppressed disease resistance and even death. Mycotoxins can interfere with many of the digestive enzymes, causing impaired growth and muscle formation, as well as damaging reproductive hormones resulting in impaired fertility and decreased milk production. Allowing fungal invasion and toxin...
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Introduction Mycotoxins are toxic secondary metabolites produced by fungi (molds). Secondary metabolites are chemicals produced by the fungus that are not essential for growth. Mycotoxins are chemically diverse, represent a variety of chemical families, and range in molecular weight from c. 200 to 500. A practical definition of a mycotoxin is a fungal metabolite that causes an undesirable effect in exposed animals. The undesirable effect or disease caused by a mycotoxin is a...
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"Differences of opinion exist regarding the role of molds and mycotoxins in livestock problems basically because their effects on animal health and production are still in a grey area". (Seglar & Mahanna, 1995). "Mycotoxins can have a very pervasive, yet subclinical effect on both performance and health in ruminants that can easily go unnoticed. If you wait until clinical symptoms of mycotoxin problems are obvious, you no doubt waited too long". (Eng,...
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As growers wrap up corn harvest this season, they should give special attention to fields inundated by floodwaters earlier this year in parts of northwest and north central Ohio. Pierce Paul, an Ohio State University plant pathologist with the Ohio Agricultural Research and Development Center, said that corn ears submerged in water for a long period of time may have turned moldy, and moldy grain may cause health problems in livestock. “If the grain seems moldy, it’s...
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Aflatoxins have been found in some corn in northwest Iowa, so field specialists are urging farmers in drought-stressed areas to test their cornfields and feed for its presence. Aflatoxins are a group of chemicals produced by certain mold fungi and can be fatal to livestock. They also are considered carcinogenic to animals and humans. “We have had a few positive tests for aflatoxin – not a lot yet, and hopefully it stays that way – but we have had a few test for...
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A few years ago a scorching summer caused toxic molds to appear on some area crops. The mold prospered in the hot, humid weather, creating mycotoxins, which are potentially harmful. Allan Vyhnalek, Platte County cooperative agriculture extension educator, said mycotoxins haven't been a big problem the last couple of years, but there is always potential for them to pop up if grains aren't managed properly. "The biggest problem this time of year is the changing temperature of grain...
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Predicting mycotoxin levels in midwestern corn is now possible with a new computer program developed by Agricultural Research Service (ARS) scientists. Mycotoxins are natural carcinogens produced by certain molds, particularly Aspergillus flavus and Fusarium moniliforme. Strict regulatory controls determine the sale and use of mycotoxin-containing corn, because of the carcinogens' potential danger to humans and livestock. Corn with mycotoxin levels above the allowable limit may be rejected;...
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