Prof. Stefan Denev, DSc., PhD.
Professor, DSc., PhD.; Honorary Professor; Doctor Honoris Causa
University Professor; Head of Department of Biochemistry & Microbiology, Trakia University, 6000 Stara Zagora, Bulgaria; Expert of Microbiology, Mycotoxicology, Nutritional Biotechnology, Ecology, et
Professor, DSc., PhD.; Honorary Professor; Doctor Honoris Causa
Prof. Stefan Denev, DSc., PhD. likes this technical article:
IntroductionCommercial egg production is associated with various stresses decreasing productive and reproductive performance of layers. It is proven that most of stresses in poultry production (technological: chick placement, vaccinations and transfer to breeder houses; environmental: heat stress, high ammonia, etc.; nutritional: mycotoxins, misbalances of vitamins, minerals, amino acids, etc.; or ...
Article published the January 30, 2019
1. IntroductionMycotoxic nephropathy (MN), which is widely encountered renal disease all over the world, is usually a renal disorder caused by alimentary ingestion of some nephrotoxic mycotoxins. Ochratoxin A (OTA) is considered to be the most important mycotoxin provoking this nephropathy. However, this nephropathy was recently found to have much complicated pathology and etiology in some countri ...
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Photo posted on January 16, 2017
Prof. Stefan Denev
On the album: Various
Discussion created on January 16, 2017
Discussion created on December 18, 2016
Photo posted on December 18, 2016
Prof., DSc. PhD. Stefan Denev
On the album: Various
Article published the December 16, 2016
IntroductionCommercial egg production is associated with various stresses decreasing productive and reproductive performance of layers. It is proven that most of stresses in poultry production (technological: chick placement, vaccinations and transfer to breeder houses; environmental: heat stress, high ammonia, etc.; nutritional: mycotoxins, misbalances of vitamins, minerals, amino acids, etc.; or ...
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June 15, 2006
equalizer Statistics: Articles(2)Forums(2)
Location:Stara Zagora, Khaskovo, Bulgaria
Profile: Academic / scientific
Professional Title: Professor, DSc., PhD.; Honorary Professor; Doctor Honoris Causa
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