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Article published the May 3, 2024
INTRODUCTIONNatural medicinal products originating from herbs and spices have been used as feed additives for poultry (Guo et al., 2004). Compared with synthetic antibiotics or inorganic chemicals, these plant-derived products have proven to be natural, less toxic, residue-free, and are thought to be ideal feed additives in feeds for animal production (Wang et al., 1998). Any attempt to improve po ...
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Article published the April 26, 2024
1. IntroductionIncreased atmospheric emissions of greenhouse gases (GHGs), such as nitrous oxide (N2O), carbon dioxide (CO2), and methane (CH4), are the primary cause of climate change. These emissions result in unpredictable and erratic rainfall, floods, and droughts [1]. In 2020, agriculture contributed 5865.47 MtCO2e, representing 12.34% of its total emissions (47,513.15 MtCO2e), including ...
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Participation in Forum on September 29, 2023
Nice work, thank you for sharing this information with me.
Article published the October 12, 2021
INTRODUCTIONThe quality of egg depends on physical make-up and chemical composition of its constituent namely egg shell, albumen and yolk. Chemical compositions are important in egg product industry as the demand of liquid eggs, frozen eggs, egg powder and yolk oil increases (Song et al., 2002). However; significant percent loss occurs in albumen and yolk chemical composition and pH by long storag ...
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Article published the September 21, 2021
IntroductionPoultry eggs are biological structures intended by nature for reproduction and are highly versatile foods containing many essential nutrients as they support life during embryonic growth (Abanikannda et al., 2007). Chicken eggs are familiar, nutritious, economical and easy to prepare food, as they provide balanced sources of nutrients for humans of all ages (Matt et al., 2009). Moreove ...
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Article published the September 8, 2021
IntroductionCrossbreeding is a method of genetic improvement [1]. It produces chickens that will be better in different economic traits, such as growth rate, feed efficiency, age at first egg, and carcass characteristics [1,2]. The superiority of crossbreeds over purebreeds in some of the above-mentioned productive and reproductive traits was confirmed by many scholars [3]. Many scholars evaluated ...
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Article published the September 7, 2021
1. IntroductionThe Ethiopian indigenous chickens are characterized by slow growth, late maturity and low egg production performance which are estimated at 60 small eggs with thick shells and a deep yellow yolk color (Yami and Dessie, 1997; Niraj et al., 2014). Local chickens kept under the intensive management systems are inferior to exotic stock in health status and they are also slow in rate of ...
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Participation in Forum on August 1, 2018
Congratulation. Keep doing as usual.
This member had joined Engormix
October 30, 2012
equalizer Statistics: Articles(6)Forums(2)
Location:Dire Dawa, Adis Abeba, Ethiopia
Profile: Academic / scientific
Occupation: Research