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Participation in Forum on May 25, 2012
Dr Nitin Suryavanshi.,---Thanks for your comments . You may find the details on air flow standards in book by McNorth. Dr Thirumeignanam :- Thanks for the information .Any propreitary preparations available in India that combine VitC and Chromium propitionate at the appropriate dose ? Dr Ganesh kumar ...
Article published the May 2, 2012
In many parts of India, summer is severe with maximum day temperature hovering around 40 C (ie 104 F). There is also shortage of water in summer and since water table goes down, bacterial count in water is high. It is therefore a challenging task to manage poultry in these conditions. During summer, weight gain, FCR, egg production, eggshell quality and hatchability are all adversely affected ...
remove_red_eye 15187
forum 12
Participation in Forum on May 16, 2011
Comments on article on Gout:- I thank all for offering their comments on my article on Gout. I may add further as below :- 1) It is known that gout in poultry is a multifactor disease and the causes range from faulty management, feed to infection and genetic susceptibility. In this context, the PhD research work of Dr K.B.Solanki ( Retd Professor of Pathology Bombay Veterinary College, Mumbai I ...
Article published the March 14, 2011
IntroductionGout is a metabolic disorder in which there is precipitation and accumulation of Uric acid crystals in Kidneys, Viscera, Peritoneum and Joints, resulting in mortality. In birds, Uric acid is the end product of protein and purine metabolism and is normally excreted through Kidneys. Uric acid is insoluble in water and since birds lack in enzyme Uricase, there is no further conversion of ...
remove_red_eye 13942
forum 35
This member had joined Engormix
April 14, 2011
equalizer Statistics: Articles(2)Forums(2)
Location:Mumbai, Maharashtra, India
Profile: Academic / scientific
Occupation: Veterinary Doctor
Followers (18)