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Mangalmurti Pathak
MVSc & A.H. Animal Nutrition
Poultry and dairy Nutritionist.Associated with feed and veterinary pharma industry for last 29 years.
MVSc & A.H. Animal Nutrition
Participation in Forum on March 19, 2025
@Mohamed Fakhoury It is not difficult to analyse the substrate.Every time we can not analyse it as it is time consuming and expensive.We have to consider the average values of feed ingredients in perticular geographical areas.Plus we have to analyse the activity of enzymes based on the method of analysis as recommended by enzyme suppliers.Which is not again easy task.
Participation in Forum on March 13, 2025
@Dr Pragati Salutgi You are absolutely right. The enzymes are always substrate specific. While designing the enzyme products, we always consider the general composition of diet. We only consider the type of cereals and protein sources used. Otherwise we have to design tailor-made enzymes.Similarly, ME utilisation always depends on composition of diet because of which we always underestimate or ove ...
Participation in Forum on August 30, 2023
Difficult to conclude unless feed intake and egg production data is available.
Participation in Forum on June 15, 2023
Can you share the link/ paper to me if possible?My email
Participation in Forum on June 5, 2023
Good finding. Can we give mash feed up to 10 days till digestive system is well developed and followed by crumbles/pellets to overcome this issue ?
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Nowadays feed ingredients prices are constantly increasing, also protein and energy in feed/food have become expensive nutrients. Major challenge for nutritionist is to formulate highly performing feed with low price. People are also more concern impact of animal agriculture on environmental pollution. Using of exogenous enzymes in feed has been ongoing. Phytase enzyme is well known to maximum pou ...
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Mr. O.P. Singh - Managing Director of ABTL Enzymes, speaks about the main challenges that meat producers are facing in Asia and what can offer ABTL Enzymes as a nutrition and enzyme technology in Asia in this regard
Participation in Forum on July 10, 2021
Nice work. The poor performance in high NE diet with low protein is naturally because of imbalance of calorie and amino acids in feed. Under such situation there is tendency of fat deposition in birds at the cost of feed efficiency resulting in poor performance.
Participation in Forum on June 29, 2021
Very good product.Need of hour.
Participation in Forum on June 25, 2021
The incorporation of fenugreek is too high . Should be very expensive as additive in the feed.As rightly said by Dr Chandra , availability of seed and it's cost per MT of feed is very important.
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Location:Pune, Maharashtra, India
Profile: Professional
Professional Title: MVSc & A.H. Animal Nutrition
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